How to nudge note / event steps on Maschine Jam?
Section 7.4.5 of the Maschine Jam manual talks about Nudging Events in a Pattern, but it doesn't say how to actually nudge the events. I see that you can set the Step grid and the Nudge grid from the Jam controller, but I can't figure out how to actually nudge them according to the Nudge grid. I know there is a function…
Audio files in the event area on the "sound," level?
If I'm not mistaken, weren't you able to place audio files in the event area on the "sound," level? Even ones that you edited in Maschine like start and end points etc... In the edit window? What happened to that? The last I remember version 2.7 had it I think. Right now, I'm on version 2.15.2 and I can't for the life of…
What's the fastest to "write" Mutes/Solos into this "pattern" Arrangement
I´m using Group H just for FX... dry/Wt/Verb... "prallel" compressor
Duplicating favorite samples
I have lot of factory samples/oneshots/kicks/snares... marked as favorite... i want THIS overdozens... to get this hundreds...samples into my USER-lib-Folders with a "BATCH"... is there any way to "transmove"/duplicate" Lets say i have 100 Kicks and 112 snares... allfrom A-Z cmolete chasos/Wild but i have this…
I want to record a 4 bar loop but i always get a 3 bar loop
If I want to record a 4 bar loop, but i don’t play in the last bar, and I push record to stop recording, I always get a 3 bar loop. This is annoying, is this normal behaviour? Is there a solution for it?
Why is Machine 2 popping and clicking then freezing when I preview sounds on an empty project?
I got maschine and Mikro Mk3 about a week ago and it's all been running smooth until this morning. I opened an empty project, jumped into the expansions section to listen to some of the one shots available. When I click on a sound on the left, it plays once then a get a loud pop/click sound 2-3 times then the entire…
maschine 2 not responding when previewing groups
HI, Maschine 2 freezes when I am trying to preview any samples or instrument sounds. This happens when previewing on an empty or new project. I dont get this error when I have preloaded a project. Maschine 2.15.0 OSX 12.13.1 Max Studio
Maschine folders appearing all over the place strange behavior
Good day! For years i was working with all my sounds in the right place, under the right vendor and right sample packs. But recently it seems the maschine software creates Maschine "greyed" out folders everwhere (see screeshot attached). And inside those folders there is the sounds from my projects. I'm a bit confused on…
When I load sound I get and error or this image( ! ) next to the sounds
How can I fix this please
Maschine 2 Software and trouble with Windows 10 and MK1 Hardware
Dear all, I have the following configuration: Hardware Maschine MK1 Software Maschine 2.15.2 Windows 10 Maschine Controller Driver 3.0.1 According to NI the Maschine 2 software will run on older hardware without a problem and few weeks ago I've had NO issues. Today I've realized some trouble while booting up the pc. The…
Loop and One-Shot Key Issue
Hello, When browsing in Maschine library for a loop (or a one-shot), there si a key indication in the name : C, A#m,... It's a pretty good when to choose the right key. But many times, I've noticed that the loop key in the name is wrong. Am I the only one to have this issue ? By the way, in my screenshot there is a E#m…
"Sample - 1.wav" disappears
If I use any of the sample editing tools (truncate, fade-in, fade-out), on "Sample.wav", a new "Sample - 1.wav" is created. If I delete the original sample from the Maschine browser, and quit Maschine. The edited "Sample - 1.wav" disappears entirely and the original "Sample.wav" is in the trash. "Sample.wav" should go to…
Any cure for long delay in switching Sounds?
Hiii! I've got a brand new Ryzen 9 build and a couple older ones; Ryzen 7 with 16GB RAM and i5 laptop with 8GB. Internal RME audio devices and external Firebox as audio devices. Each of these exhibits a rather long delay when switching between Sounds for the first time. I'm using the same project to test and it's only got…
Is there a non-NI manual which does a better job of explaining the various modes?
Here is what throws me off. The various modes (buttons on the left) are different depending on what Pad Mode you are in (buttons along the top). Ok, I can probably figure out those combinations. But this isn't the whole story. the combination of Left Mode buttons, and Top Mode buttons also depends on which mode you were…
Maschine 2 PlugIn where to download it?
For the life of me, I cannot find where to download the Maschine2 software (is the plugin a separate one?) I would expect it to show up in native access, but it does not. Trying to add it Studio One....