Maschine+ & Maschine Software Pitchband not returning to zero value (midi out)

Massimo Schiavo
Massimo Schiavo Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine


i open this discussion because I've a little problem with my Maschine+ and the Maschine Software.

Today I've try to use the Maschine Software as a midi controller for Logic Pro X and i receive MIDI IN messages in correctly.

But if i use the pitch band strip, when i release it, seems not returning to zero position, it return on "-1" position:

But if i try with another controller, when i release the control, the position of the pitch wheel return correctly to zero:

I know that it's not significant in terms of sound, but if i use, for example, the Stradivari Violin Plugin and i move the pitch band control to change the articulation from Sostenuto to Staccato (in Adaptive Mode) the plugin maintain the Staccato articulation also when the pitch band strip is released, because return in "-1" position and not "0".

The problem is the same if I connect the Maschine+ standalone.

Anyone as the same issue? Can be a bug of both software (Maschine & Maschine+)?

I hope it's all clear, and sorry form my terrible English.




  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,213 mod
    edited October 2022


    can you report it to native directly, i don´t own a m+ myself so i can´t try. maybe @D-One can? this should be fixable with a driver or control editor update, just a guess of course, and if it is a general problem.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,627 mod
    edited October 2022

    Can confirm. Maschine SW sees the zero but my DAW receives -1. It also happens with Maschine Mikro MK3.

    I'll report this in the beta, probably a NIHardwareAgent bug. If I get a reply back with an acknowledgment I'll add it here.

  • Massimo Schiavo
    Massimo Schiavo Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thanks for your test!

    Meanwhile I'm in contact with NI support and I report that it's a common problem and not only mine problem.

    Thanks a lot for confirm my problem!


  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 456 Guru

    @D-One: I'll report this in the beta, probably a NIHardwareAgent bug. If I get a reply back with an acknowledgment I'll add it here.

    for what it's worth: My hardware is connected to a mioxm and I'm using rtp midi.

    Android phone connected to rtp midi (over wifi... soooo cool). Pitch bend from my MODX and JDXI has a range of 0 to 127. 64 is the mid point. Pitch bend from M+ has the same range; but the mid point (i.e. finger off the touch strip) is 63. All 3 are connected to a mioxm and sending over the network.

    Maybe M+ has that service too, but I vaguely remember seeing this discussion before. Like back in the mk2 days?

This discussion has been closed.
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