Problem with Machine 2 and Native Access!
Hi! i just got my new machine mk3 and installed the native acces app. The problem is that i dont have the machine 2 app or machine 2 library in the native access app. I have put the serial number several times and it just says ”Succesfully registered device” and even if i refresh the page, or restart the app, the machine…
Concrete Sun error when loading kits & projects
This discussion was created from comments split from: [New Release] Explore hip-hop beats from Japan with Concrete Sun 🌅
Changing root note for sample in audio module
So I feel like I'm going crazy here but it seems like when a sample is loaded into the audio module its stuck at C3, and I cant seem to figure out how to change it. This matters because when using gate mode in the Audio module, it's pretty inconvenient to need to mentally adjust the note played to the root note of sample…
All tagged sounds turned to loops
While editing the famous tags on my new sample libraries, I tried to import a folder with included maschine kits (WarehouseBass from Noiiz) the same way as the samples...ok, probably bad idea. and ALL MY SAMPLES turned to be loops than. I mean the "one shots" tab is empty but with the latest library. And I have to edit all…
Midi sync - Maschine and Traktor
Hi, So I am new to both Maschine and Traktor. What I am trying to achieve is to send midi signal to Maschine from Traktor to get it synced with the bpm I am running in Traktor. I used this instruction: https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/209590629-How-to-Send-a-MIDI-Clock-Sync-Signal-in-TRAKTOR I got…
Grid mistake
i am using my maschine 2 as a vst within ableton. For some reason ive got grid problems. The pads are flashing twice per step. So basically something is set up to 1/32. however i tried to change grids in pattern mode and so on but i cannot get it back to work as it normally does when set to 1/16th. I tried it on another…
friend can't find Maschine 2 factory library
I recently transferred my mikro mk3 license to a friend and today I received my Maschine mk3, he installed native access and and has Maschine 2 & Maschine 2 factory select applications but he doesn't have the actual Maschine 2 Factory Library. Do I need to do something on my end for him to receive the software, I got my…
My top 3 feature requests about Maschine
Hi guys, I am waiting for: 1 Pattern Truncate - deleting all notes outside the start-end markers. 2 Real time recording of arrangement while triggering Scenes on the fly 3 Using Maschine hardware to move midi notes to different channel to quickly change sounds Is any of these things working now? Did I miss something,…
Running Maschine With Komplete Kontrol & Multiple Midi Outs In Ableton
I would like to be able to open a Maschine Expansion & use Konplete Kontrol keyboard as the controller in Ableton. I would also like to be able to assign each individual group to a separate midi & audio channel in Ableton so I can record & edit the groups on different tracks. Anyone have a template available for this...…
Is there a new place to share our music made with Maschine?
On the old forum, there was a thread for sharing music made with Maschine. I didn’t see a thread for anything like that on the new site. I’d hate to start one and have it get buried, maybe one of the mods can create a sticky thread if people are interested? I’ve been getting some cool videos of my Maschine performances I’d…
Maschine 2: Piano roll preview when moving/dragging notes or events
I love maschine software so much but this is a painfully glaring omission. Apologies if this is posted in the wrong place just hoping this can be seen by the community and hopefully flagged up once more. Been a much discussed topic in the previous forum (since 2019) please NI 🙏
Maschine 2 software missing?
I just bought a Maschine MK3. Registered it in Native Access (shows up in my account as registered). But neither the Maschine 2 or Komplete 14 Select apps show up in Native Access for me to download. It is an expensive paperweight right now 😌. I Googled the problem and found people having the same issue, but usually the…
Maschine freezing when scanning steinberg vsts.
ive got a lot of new products i want adding too maschine 2 but it wont get past any steinberg vsts such as halion 6/dark planet..etc the second it finds one it just hangs and wont move on. can anyone help?
Restoring corrupted project file?
hi everyone, Is there anyway of restoring a corrupted maschine project file? It's for a track I really like and want to restore - sadly I think I may have lost my best production to date. Any help appreciated. Thanks Tom
Custom chord sets & scales
Hi I am a new machine+ user, found this requested like many times on the forum. Can we have custom chord sets and scales? I know recently there is an option for inversions but custom chordsets remain a powerfull composing tool. cheers Tim