Missing Instrument in Factory Content
Hello everyone I have a big problem with installing my instruments with an iMac. After I have downloaded all instruments via Access, they are not found in the Factory Content and are visible in the Instruments tab. I formatted the external SSD on Mac during the new installation and set up the SSD under Preferences for…
Maschine can't run Diva VST
I'm missing Diva in MAschine. I have no problemo loading it from my DAW. Hhmmmm.... Suggestions? Danks
Maschine 2 CPU overload in standalone but not in Logic Pro?
Have been using Maschine standalone since I got my Macbook Pro 2015. Every time when I add some plugins in the Master section like Ozone etc.., the CPU gets overloaded after some time during playback. Today I just loaded Maschine in Logic and to my big surprise, the CPU wasn't overloaded at all with the same project. How…
How can I get the maschine software?
I bought a brand new Maschine Mikro Mk3 and I've putted the license from the black card and then native acces suppoused to install essentials, factory selection, massive, monark and prism. But they are not anywhere, not listed on windows start and never asked me for vst and vst2 folder, so there is no pluggins on my daw…
Maschine failing to render the first note of Kontakt instrument
Hi guys, I'm having an issue since two months ago and it's when I'm trying to render the whole project or just a group that has a Kontakt instrument inside. It seems that the calling of Kontakt is made during the first note and it doesn't have enough time to load it. For the complete project I solved it leaving an empty…
Is it possible to edit a Maschine project file in notepad?
Hello everyone! I was working on a project last day and today I open the file and Maschine crashes without any log. After that, I cannot get Maschine to open again, it crashes after the Loading frame with the Logo. So I had to delete the registers and the database and can open a clean Maschine again with any other project,…
How setup Maschine, M32 and Traktor s4 MK3
Hi hello, I'm a DJ for many years and for some time also trying to produce with Maschine live into my mixes. Right now I use Traktor as main (and monitor) output and use a L+R jack cable from Maschine output into any deck (L+R RCA) I prefer at that given time (depends on if I use vinyl and/or a microphone as well). That…
Adding a Daw Controller to my gear, recommendations?
I am thinking about adding a Daw Controller to my gear, any Suggestions or can it even be done......I have been looking online for help with it, I am considering the PreSonus FaderPort 16 16-channel Production Controller
Maschine 2 and Komplete kontrol libraries
I have a large user library for maschine, that I update quite often, I'm thinking of buying into a Komplete kontrol M32, my problem is that the M32 creates a separate user library to the maschine. Every time I load a sample into my Maschine user library I have to rescan it which takes around 5 minutes, then go over to my…
Can Maschine be used as a sequencer via Komplete Kontrol?
I'd like to put a pattern into Maschine, then have keypresses on KK trigger the pattern relative to the key I pressed. Say I have a pattern that's just a C then an E, if I play a C it'll play that C-E pattern. If I play a G I'd like it to play G-B. Even better if I could somehow tell it the original scale was major but now…
Global Transposition
Hello Please forgive me if this is covered elsewhere I'm seeking how to make global transpositions in scale on Maschine. Can this be done? Ta.
Possible bug: VST GUI stuck in upper left hand corner.
Its been an issue for a long while, but I've been ignoring it... Seems like the only way around this issue is to save the session with the selected VST GUI open, open the session again and you're able to move/close the GUI. Anyone else encountering this??
Does anyone know why Native Access only shows Maschine 2.15.0 ?
hi, im on windows 8.1 Native Access says im up todate, however Maschine hasn't been updated pass 2.15.0 According to this group the latest version is 2.15.2, so im left wondering are windows updates now specific to what version of Windows you have? Put another way, has Native instruments stopped supporting windows 8.1? If…
Help with using Maschine in Logic. Is what I want to do even possible?
Hello All, Im not sure if this is even possible, but right now im using the maschine controller and maschine 2. Im attempting to use it within logic. I really dont use maschine as a sequencer. I do like the way the controller allows me to search through different sounds within all my expansion packs. What id really like to…
VST3 File Support (for SuperFlyDSP Flying Auto Wah)
Hello what's going on peoples If anyone can help me with this, it would be super appreciated.. i'm trying like a loco fiend to get this to VST plugin to work for me in Maschine. it is 64 bit. & i'm on a Windows 10 Pro laptop. i followed all the instructions.. Exported it in the VST3 folder (in Common Files).. and when i go…