Can't see Maschine in Komplete Kontrol
Hi, I have followed all the instructions, deleted the folders, reinstalled etc. as described in : https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/209554889- However, i cannot see Maschine in my browser for my A61 keyboard, or in the Komplete Kontrol software. Would be very thankful if someone could assist. I am…
Switch midi clock on/off
Hello friends, I find myself switching the midiclock in and off quite a lot. Is there some nifty trick to do this with a more simple method than going into the midi page every time? A simple keystroke would be fantastic :-) Best, robert
Do Favs persist between activations?
I am about to resell some expansion licenses that I bought independently but I will get back identical new ones with my upcoming K13UCE purchase. So does anyone know if I have favorited specific kits/sounds/etc. in Komplete Kontrol and Maschine Plus, will those favorites still be remembered by the NI KK software and M+…
Where to find older version of Maschine2 need to roll back
can some one help me with a link for maschne2 2.14.7 version 2.15.. is crashing all the time, it's really annoying thank you in advance
How to Record Maschine Mk3 in Reaper the same as Komplete Kontrol
Hi, I'm using reaper, I insert virtual instrument in new track choosing VSTi Komplete Kontrol, find a sound I like, arm the track, hit record, play native instr keyboard and everything is fine. I can see the notes, play back the recording, edit them etc. Great. I do the same as above choosing VSTi Maschine 2, browse for…
Maschine vs Kontakt vs everything else, Loop points (Do we just put bugs here now? )
Open sound forge, or any other software that creates sustaining loops, create a sustaining loop, save the sample. Open in any software that is up to date, loop point is found, this includes Kontakt. Open in Maschine, the loop is not found, but Maschine does support importing loops, older samples that saved the sustain loop…
Is the Machine hardware required for audio outputs?
Two noob questions. Does the Machine hardware force you to use the built in audio outputs? Or does the plugin internally route multiple channels internally in your DAW? If yes, once the Machine hardware & software are installed, can you run the plugin without the hardware connected? (ie traveling and decide to leave the…
Same scale settings in Ableton and Maschine sound off
Hi everyone, I am facing the issue that I wrote a song certain key in Maschine, then import it to Ableton for arrangement. If I use the Ableton scale function to generate chords and then use Maschine software to look for a bass line, it always sounds off. The scale settings (not just the fold settings) are set to the same…
iMaschine 2: Feature requests.
I have recently purchased iMaschine 2, i like it. It is basically a very toned down software version of the hardware controller. What I would really like to see though, is the introduction of smart instruments as present in Garageband ( ...Oops didn't mean to promote Apple), but just think about it. Garageband like…
[Feature Request] Ability to colour keyzones in Keyboard mode
A lot of times I have a sampler eg Battery or Kontakt with samples or MIDI-triggered FX in a certain key range and it's difficult to remember what it is and it's fairly easy to lose your orientation as to what octave you're in on Mk3. It would be really handy to be able to colour keyzones so you know which buttons to…
Using Stutter Edit 2 with Maschine/Plus
Can anyone point towards any resources to help get Stutter Edit 2 setup with the Maschine SW or Maschine Plus hardware please? I found an ADSR tutorial regarding Maschine and Stutter Edit 1, but so far I haven't found any guides for 2 that don't also involve Ableton or some other DAW. I'm assuming it must be possible but I…
Request for Komplete Kontrol Smart Play improvements
First, glad to see the added Inversions feature to MK Smart Play. Coming in the next update. I questioned the integration between MK and KK as well as Maschine SW and KK SW before, and got bombarded with opinions. KOMPLETE KONTROL customers will already be familiar with this feature. Says it all I bought the KK keyboard…
Is there way to sync favourites on two computers ?
Hi I have a Maschine on my Laptop and on "Desktop" in the studio . is there a way I can sync the favourites or are they separate libraries ? TIA
komplete kontrol MKII and Maschine integration: visual/display laggy and frozen (KBDSW-6858)
Hi When using Maschine as a plugin (or standalone) with my komplete kontrol s61 mk2 the pattern screen is laggy and sometimes freezes (maschine integration) , seems like this is a common problem?... will this be fixed soon? when using kk no problem
PSA: Don't buy a used Maschine MK3
Longtime NI user, recently purchased a used Maschine MK3 online to integrate into my workflow. The unit possibly came from an estate sale, and the original owner is unknown. Well, the serial number wouldn't import into my account (already registered), so I contacted support with a copy of the receipt proving ownership…