Auto-Grow or not, Pattern-Lengt and so on for NEWBIES!

strg+v Member Posts: 67 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

The wohle Maschine, really "play/create" music is completly strange for me!

I see all this vids of pad-Ddummer / pad-Composer.... and its great - but for a DAW-mouse-kid... its really another world!

IF i set 2 Bars (FIX) - and "override" some notes - how can i delete them????

The SHIFT*Undo maybe works correct, but thats not what i mostly! I want an UNDO for all notes in the second circle...

Is there anyway hidden a "punch-IN / Punch-out" or a AFTER circle ther come new notes to this slot... Is there any "remember" / capture /Back) function.. if i had a randomly played an usefull Idea but REC was off??? And so on...

Sry, but for me the whole create "live music" is many fun - but also full traps!!!

So, do you have tips/trix for MOUSE-peple how to use a HW like this?

(Not really THAT qeustion, but I often. switch to SW, where the HW is maybe faster.... but i´m a Mouse-Kid... so some behaviors are "engraved" i me...



  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,618 mod
    edited August 2022

    It is indeed another world, some things are great while others are not so much, pros and cons I guess. I'm a mouse kid too btw.

    IF i set 2 Bars (FIX) - and "override" some notes - how can i delete them????

    Try STEP-UNDO instead of regular UNDO Shift+Pad3... Or just select the extra notes and delete them, if you want to be a controller ninja you can do it from the Events Menu (for controllers with hi-res screens), if you want to do it fast then use the mouse/keyboard. :D

    Is there anyway hidden a "punch-IN / Punch-out" or a AFTER circle ther come new notes to this slot...

    There's no Punch IN/Out but you can hold Replace+Pad to get rid of notes while the Pattern is playing then record to the empty part the next time it cycles for example... The same ninja thing from above applies here.

    I guess you could also try recording a Clip to replace a part, works sort of like Punch-In but it's only useful in some scenarios like maybe adding drum fill or something similar, basically when you need a occasional change rather than changing something that is supposed to loop many times.

    Is there any "remember" / capture /Back) function.. if i had a randomly played an usefull Idea but REC was off??? And so on...

    There is no "Capture" feature (also known as Retrospective Recording).

    So, do you have tips/trix for MOUSE-peple how to use a HW like this?

    There are a bunch of possible tips but usually, for very specific scenarios, hard to list them all from memory.

    It's not just the Maschine isn't very mouse friendly, it's that the whole compositional paradigm is super different from DAW's, it takes quite a while to get used to it and you have to force it for a while to start appreciating the advantages... It takes a while to develop muscle memory but when you d things became much faster, I guess it's like learning an instrument. Personally, I mostly use the mouse when it's faster rather than using the HW, except for things that are just more fun with the HW, like chopping samples.

    There's a whole bunch of users who advocate for "doing it all from the controller, that's what Maschine does best" which is sort of true but NI does seem to follow this philosophy a bit too much so mouse functions are very basic, especially the piano roll... So often that philosophy is followed to a point it becames detrimental to the SW IMHO.

  • strg+v
    strg+v Member Posts: 67 Member
    edited August 2022

    Thnx D-One.

    (not topic but first of all: i ask this many times--- how can i quote/split comments like you did with my comment: HERE on this special Site - in most other FORUM i can... but here... ???)....

    """""It's not just the Maschine isn't very mouse friendly, it's that the whole compositional paradigm is super different from DAW's, it takes quite a while to get used to it and you have to force it for a while to start appreciating the advantages... It takes a while to develop muscle memory but when you d things became much faster, I guess it's like learning an instrument. Personally, I mostly use the mouse when it's faster rather than using the HW, except for things that are just more fun with the HW, like chopping samples."""""""

    Summary yeah, i agree: MASCHINE is more an "real" instrument and not just a (more complex) tool/plugin and after 2-3 hours of YT-Vids you know all secrets... MASCHINE HW is a real "analog" instrument! And like each other REAL analog INSTRUMENT it needs more TAKTILE (real) PRAXIS instead of looking videos!

    And its great: I, one of hardest "mouse-kids" learn to love it :-)))

    """"""There's a whole bunch of users who advocate for "doing it all from the controller, that's what Maschine does best" which is sort of true but NI does seem to follow this philosophy a bit too much so mouse functions are very basic, especially the piano roll... So often that philosophy is followed to a point it becames detrimental to the SW IMHO.""""""

    And yeah... thats the other hand: As great and funny and useful Playing/Improvisation/SKETCHING/ with the HW is... for detail EDITING the SW is King! Or COULD be, if NI FROM THIS POINT the HW sees as SUPPORT (The MIXER / or Parameter/Macro Pages -are even NOW still better and faster to use than only in SW...=

    But the whole Arrangement/Piano-Roll/Automation... at this point there is the SW mirrors HW a big WHEEL CHOCK.

    From this (EDIT) point the SW should go ist OWN INDEPENDENT ways and the HW trys as much as possible to support the SW.

    IN a special EDIT mode the HW could do so much more to SUPPORT the SW: Really Simple Example: ... undo/redo...quantize, nudge semi/octave... copy/paste works for the correct lane / selected EVENTS without shift... And with SCHIFT for bigger parts, but in the "Arrangement" ... There are no "Patterns or Clips anymore ... From this point Maschine SW is like ableton/bitwig clips/arrange... and the HW supports this as much as possible... From this Point: "EDIT_Mode" = All Patterns are "Clips" like in ABL/BWS and we can free arrange as we want, no interact patterns anymore...! From this POINT the HW is a Special MOUSE/Shortcut +++++++ to speed up / finetune all the DAW-stuff... but not the old not MASCHINE MIRROR anymore!

    Shift-CLICK ARRANGE and there is a NEW OPTION: TRANSFORM this SKETCH to a SONG! - (Are you shure????) From now the HW-Controller will work as a Mouse+++ not as MIRROR. (But just in this song... just press shift+Arrange to come back to regular)...

    It could be SOOOOO EASY... at least as the (consumer-site)!!!!

    On the Developer-Site... 90% of this stuff you have. For the rest ask your EX-collegue from ableton) or the new guys form BWS! For a WORLD- Concern like you ist should be not so difficault.

    And BTW a WORLD_Concern like you should buy really small-tools like this, for a fair price and offer this as uprade/x-mas-special ...

    EDIT: Dont misundertood NI... i dont want that all for "nothing, cause i´m socialist and its all mine... nope... i am capitalist an i thing good work should get a FAIR price... Please offer maschine v3 SW with most of my wiches and i will HAPPY pay a FAIR upgrade-price!

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,618 mod

    @strg+v said:

    Thnx D-One.

    (not topic but first of all: i ask this many times--- how can i quote/split comments like you did with my comment: HERE on this special Site - in most other FORUM i can... but here... ???)....

    Quoting sucks here, there's no partial quoting so we have to copy the part of the text manually we want to reply to, paste and then format it, like so:

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