[Feature Request] Komplete Mk2 keyboards mod wheel/pitch bend/touch strip MIDI channel control
As discussed here https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/4897/midi-channel-for-pedal-and-wheels, the Mk2 Komplete Kontrol keyboards currently do not support configuring the Mod Wheel, Pitch Bend dial, and Touch Strip to send data on any MIDI channel other than 1, even though the keyboard itself can be switched…
X1mk3 - Insanely screwed up "FX assign button" programming is driving me nuts
As anyone else find the FX assign buttons (2 in the diagram below) impossible to remember as they as so unintuitive? I mean, you are in the effects more (whether 1&2 or 3&4), so these buttons should refer to that particular effect, right? So in picture below, we're in Effects 1&2, and the 2 buttons marked by the number 2…
Kore as MIDI Controller
I have no interest in software and was exploring the idea to get a used Kore Controller (likely MK2) purely as a MIDI Controller for hardware synths. I downloaded the controller editor and it does not show an interface to support Kore. Am I stuck, not being able to use it? EDIT: thanks to the helpful hint, the answer is to…
Maschine Jam - Controller Editor keeps failing
Hi , Just wanted to find out how to resolve the issue with the native controller editor who keeps failing every time I run it. I have upgraded my old hD with a new samsung SSD 1TB , I followed the steps by steps guide and paste the midi script into midi remote script in the ableton folder but when i try to open the…
TSI editor for X1mk3
I've started creating some mappings for the x1mk3 and have been making some decent progress (discussion 21737) but my TSI file is starting to get long and difficult to view/manage/edit in the Controller Manager in TR. I have found this tool on Github (cmdr-editor) which has been around a while but will only run in a VM on…
Help with custom mapping for the X1mk3
Is there a simple how-to guide anywhere for creating/editing these qml files (syntax, list of instructions, etc)? I'd like to make some changes to the Z1mk3 mapping that would be essential to my workflow. There are several posts with people having a go at this, but where did they learn how to do it? In particular I want…
Controller Editor - Lost My Templates; How Not To Lose Them Again!
Hey folks. Today, I tried to open a .ncc file, thinking that it was going to be added to my list of templates. It's a configuration file I downloaded. What ended up happening is that the Template portion of CE got replaced. I had templates for four different applications. gone. Now I need to know the proper workflow that…
No support for S49 MK3 in Controller Editor?
My Maschine Studio is detected and even if it weren't plugged in, it'd still be in the list. Am I missing something, or was I mistaken?
How does one save Controller Editor device preferences?
I am using Windows 10 OS. In Controller Editor, File>Preferences, I select my controller, Traktor Kontrol X1 Mk1. Under the LEDs section, I use the sliders to adjust the On-State Brightness and Off-State Brightness. I then select the Start in Midi Mode box. After each reboot, these preference settings have reverted to…
Maschine plus controller mode not working
hello my machine + doesn't work in controller mode after I proceeded as described in the instructions.. after I pressed the controller mode button in the settings menu, the machine shuts down and the power button lights up orange and if I press (shift+ channel-midi or shift+ plugin) but nothing happens...according to the…
Maschine Studio Wheel - scroll through tracks in Studio One
Hi I have a question , is there a possibility In the controller editor of Ni, the big wheel on the Maschine Studio set so that I can scroll with this through the tracks in the arrangement ? I work with Studio One maybe there are people here who know well with Midi CC and know how to program this Thank you
Windows can't find the .exe's that Native Access installed
Hi, I have been really happy with my Traktor S4 and NI's software until recently. Now, when I install or update an app, it will tell me the activation failed BUT I CAN USE IT ANYWAY. When I open the Controller Editor, it tells me the file doesn't exist on my machine even though I clicked on the exact file specified in the…
Traktor mapping Hotcues on All Decks
Hello , Does anyone know how to map all the hotcues to instantly play (without having to hold down the hotcue) when im on Deck A ONLY the track on Deck A, when im on Deck C only the track on Deck C ...etc. I've managed to find a solution for 2 decks but I want to use 4 , for remix decks and samples and it's a total…
Modifying Transport Control buttons?
Is there a possibility to modify transport control buttons for Mikro MK3? The problem is that when Transport Control is on, the "Erase" and "Tap" buttons stop working. But I need them. Is it possible to leave only "Play" and "Stop" buttons in this mode? Thanks.
How to change Maschine MK3 group/page button colors in de controller editor?
I have created several pages in the controller editor to run Maschine in midi mode. All works but the group buttons, in midi mode page buttons, are all the same color. In the controller editor manual it says this color is linked to the page however I cannot find how to change the page color. I edited the .group colors in…