Setup Maschine Jam as Generic MIDI Controller
Greets: I am admittedly a MIDI novice when it comes to mapping MIDI CC's. With that in mind, I'd like to find out the proper step-by-step instructions on how to set up MIDI CC on the touch strips on Maschine Jam for both General MIDI and for some virtual instruments. My current Controller Editor configuration includes…
How to change the midi notes of the pads using Controller Editor
I made a video that explains my question;
Is it possible to automate bpm on maschine?
Hi everyone, I wonder if it is possible to automate the bpm on maschine! .. I don't think it is impossible but I am not quite clear how .. I also have maschine studio as a controller. I thank that soul who will be able to help me .. Antonello
Custom Template Page Change
Hi there, Might be a specific question but is there any trick to midi map a Controller Editor page switch function anyhow ? Would be nice to assign page switch to Groups Button for exemple
Komplete Kontrol S25 MK1 - Create new pages in editor
Hi, I use a "Komplete Kontrol S25 MK1" in midi mode (no KK software, don't need it now) to control synt and effect paramters in Reason 12 DAW - it works fine so far. One big problem: I can not create new pages in the NI midi editor - how can I add more pages 2,3,4....? It shows only "1/1" on S25's pages screen and in the…
Pioneer REV7 Midi mapping
Hey Has anyone created a Rev 7 Midi mapping? I've been trying but, well I suck hahah.
Controller Editor 2.7.6 issues: jog wheeel spins out of control
Hi, I am trying to upload an earlier version of the 2.7.6 contoller editor as it does not work. When I am in TT mode the other jog wheeel spins out of control like its posesessed. This has only just occured since I updated the software for Traktor s4 mk3. The controller editor was the one that failed to reload. On many…
Controller Editor Wizard wanted
Hey everyone out there in Canland. I have been struggling to figure out how to use the controller editor software to make my Maschine Jam a more fleshed-out controller surface for Logic Pro X. If anyone has experience and is willing to teach a man to fish I would be most grateful. I mainly want to figure out how to make…
Controller Editor has DISAPPEARED! Catalina
I use controller editor basically to turn the maschine mikro into a midi drum pad so I can use it with Logic etc, and it's completely vanished from my computer - Catalina All other NI stuff is still there and works All I can do is press repair, I've tried it and it doesn't work I've tried manually removing everything from…
Controller Editor Fails to Download on MacOs Catalina (10.15)
When I opened Native Access, I noticed the Controller Editor failed. After attempting to download it again and then having it fail again, I decided to uninstall it using the "how to" video provided on the NI website. (LOTS of files). Restarted my computer. Opened Native Access and began reinstalling again. And yet,…
Keeping getting failure trying to update to Controller Editor 2.7.4 from Native Access
Keep getting Download Controller Editor failed: Could not reach the download server. Are you connected to the Internet? Connection is fine. Toggled the Automatic Proxy detection setting, as well. I think this is a problem on the NI end. Still failing. Where can find the stand-alone download?
GR5 Automation in Studio One 5 Pro
Folks, First, I use Studio One 5 Pro (SOP5) because I write Classical as well as EDM and Rock and do my notation in Notion 6, There is a relatively, although sometimes buggy, direct transfer between the 2 apps. So I won't consider moving to another app although I have several other DAWs, Maschine 2, Logic Pro X, Reaper,…
help, controller installer does not install
only the error message that returns me, both in version 1 or 2... I can't install... it says that I don't own the editor controller. I need to edit my maschine or rather restore my map configuration on it.
Maschine MK3 as a MIDI controller in Linux
The Maschine MK3 is a great Bitwig controller. Bitwig is a great DAW, and it supports Linux officially. However, the Maschine won't even listen or talk to Linux. I wonder what could be technically possible in the hacking / unofficial space. As a MIDI controller, the Maschine has most of its buttons assigned to CC values.…
Bug in Controller Editor 2.7.3 on Mac 11.6 - can't always rename pages / templates (CE-3594)
Hi.. has anyone else experienced inability to double click to rename pages or templates in controller editor? I can't figure out why sometimes it works, and other times not. I can't readily reproduce.. Closing/reopening the app doesn't seem to consistently make it work again. Maybe related to switching between different…