Download Failed for all downloads in Native Access
Hi, I recently downloaded Native Access on my Macbook Pro (M3), running Sonoma (14.6.1). every download I have attempted has resulted in: 'Download Failed' I have granted Native Access full disk access. Has anyone encountered and solved this issue?
Installing GGD M&M Taking Forever
Clean install on a new computer of Ableton and all my drivers. Was getting all my plugins downloaded/loaded. Inside Native Access, downloaded GGD Modern and Massive set and it's stuck on "Installing." The loading bar is just moving from left to right and back. Left it sit over night and came back to the same. Advice?
Bought the machine 3.0 update and it’s not coming up in native access
I refreshed then deleted the native access xml file as in the help document still not there.
I cant access the maschine software and i want to see if anyone know something free for the mikromk2
please help me
Bought and registered mikro mk3, but cannot find any Maschine software.
I recently bought maschine mikro mk3 and registered it, but there isn't any maschine software in my native access. I checked serials in my account, but cannot find it at all. I also restarted & reinstalled the NI access app few times, but it wouldn't appear. Does anyone knows how to solve this issue?
How Do I Uninstall Ozone 10?
Hello, I use Komplete 14 and have recently migrated my NI libraries to an external drive. I changed the install path in preferences before performing the reinstallation. Every since, when I attempt to open Ozone 10 I receive an error saying that resources cannot be located. But when I view the installation path, the folder…
cannot install kontaxt 8 after using deamon ntk latest version and reboots not showing up in native
cannot install kontaxt 8 after using deamon ntk latest version and reboots not showing up in native access 2 i can see it on my windows 11 laptop but not on my windows 10 OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC Version 10.0.17763 Build 17763 thankyou
Native access is unable to access library content
When installing Heavyocity products, they are located on my 2019 MacBook Pro i9 in the library under the user name. I have given Native Instruments and Native Access full permission to access all files in system settings, but I am unable to access this location when asked to locate Heavyocity's library content to install…
Native Access wont open NTK Daemon on Macbook M3
I’ve given full disk access. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the latest Native Access and NTK Daemon files. I’ve turned on and off the icloud thing someone mentioned Nothing works. I cannot get Native Access to open. I reached out to support. They sent me a direct link to an NTK Daemon and told me to install it. I did so.…
how to delete account
how to delete account completely - support ticket not coming through to my email
Trouble installing a single library and using Maschine 2 as VST within Bitwig Studio 5.2
I have almost all of my libraries installed onto SSD. A task that has taken days to complete. Global Shake, however refuses to install. I can't even delete the downloaded files to restart the download. Cannot truncate is the error Also, when using Mashine 2 as VST within Bitwig Studio 5.2 I am having trouble getting…
Maschine 3 update failed
Hi everyone. I'm new in the NI Community. I tried to update Maschine 2 to 3 with Native Access. Download is done (I think) but the installation is running long time without finishing finally the upgrade. I used the fixing tool but nothing. Do you have an other solution...? Thank you very much for your help…Isma.
M2 Ultra w/ OS Sequoia having glitch issues while using NI sample library?
I compose in Logic, and just recently bought an M2 Ultra, that came loaded with OS Sequoia 15.1. I downloaded the newest version of Native Access "M1" and also clicked the Rosetta tab in Logic. But I am still having glitch issues when using loops in Damage, Damage 2, and basically / probably the rest of the library…. Do I…
Upset over Maschine 3 software!
Native Instruments SUCKS! I just spent over $542.04 to upgrade to KOMPLETE 15 COLLECTORS EDITION and NI didn't include this (Maschine 3 software)? Never ever going to purchase from you in the future. I have spent nearly $5,000 with you folks and I'm a hobbyist producer, not something easy to do. In several years, you will…
relocate library not working
Relocate library not working NA notes that it's not the right path were i want my sample library to be. And it won't install it
Uk Right to withdraw
Hello everyone, I purchased a digital download from Native Instruments three days ago and am now looking to request a refund. According to the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000, I understand there’s a 14-day right of withdrawal for digital content as long as there wasn’t an agreement to waive this…
unwanted triggers
hi all, i am having issues with the keyboard triggering different things in cubase 13 the 5th c# triggers a message to quit to an earlier version,the 5th f# triggers the control panel and a few other random keys doing strange things. i believe they are programed key changes but cant find a way to turn them off. its…
I am a long time izotope user i can no longer access my account or use My subscription
For Some Reason I Can Not Get The Help I Need
native access locking up
I can't install Maschine 3. It simply says "Installing" but never does. Similar issues with "repair" of other programs (Maschine essentials 2, traktor pro 4, ect.)
Traktor X1 Mk3
When i try to register and enter my SN of the device i keep getting error message, On the first version of native access it says : Registration failed for unknown reasos On native access 2 i get : An error occured while procesing your serial. I alreeady contacted NI support via email but the solution offered was a generic…