Frustration with NI Customer Support re Installing Native Access

patrickmcn Member Posts: 11 Newcomer
edited January 24 in Native Access

Sorry folks - this is a complaint about NI's customer support. I encountered the attached error when trying to install Native Access/Kontakt 7 on my main computer. NI suggested that this error is usually caused by a corrupted or missing Microsoft C++ Redistributable Package installation and suggested that I download the latest Microsoft C++ Redistributable Package which I did. Didn't solve the problem. I have now gone through a month-long back and forth with NI's customer support. I went along with every other possible solution they suggested. Recently they have decided to just ignore my last e-mails. So right now I cannot install Native access. I have bought many software instruments which require Native Access which are now useless. I have suggested to them that maybe I should re-set my computer - no answer. I have offered to pay for one of their reps to spend some time via Team Viewer to see if they can solve the problem. No response. I am not tech-savvy. I am now turning to you guys to see if any of you have a solution.


Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey there,

    My colleagues got back to you. Sorry that it took so long to finally get a reply. My colleagues are still struggling with a little backlog due to he last sales special. We're going slowly back to normal. Your issue seems more complicated than usual, however, you're in good hands with one of our experts. Please hang in there and get back to my colleague if needed.


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,225 mod

    Ok, a bunch of questions that you've probably answered already .. sorry, but we don't have access to support tickets !!

    Is the error from running Native Access or installing it?

    Has it ever worked, or did it work and stop working at some point?

    Have you tried uninstalling Native Access from Control Panel, then using the NI removal tool that you can download from here -

    That should get rid of any registry or other stuff that's been left lying around.

    Then restart and try installation of Native Access from here -

    If you still get problems take a look in the Windows application event log to see if anything is logged in there.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey there,

    My colleagues got back to you. Sorry that it took so long to finally get a reply. My colleagues are still struggling with a little backlog due to he last sales special. We're going slowly back to normal. Your issue seems more complicated than usual, however, you're in good hands with one of our experts. Please hang in there and get back to my colleague if needed.

  • patrickmcn
    patrickmcn Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    Thank you, mykejb and Jeremy.

    Mykejb - I run the uninstall and tried to re-install and still got the same error message. You mentioned that I should "take a look in the Windows application event log to see if anything is logged in there/" How do I do that and what am I supposed to do when I get there? Thanks much again.

    Jeremy - "Please hang in there and get back to my colleague if needed." I need support now. I will continue to file a customer support request each day until someone there decides that they want to respond.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,241 Expert

    This is a "missing files" error. Disguised as a major critical blowout.

    The file that is missing is highlighted:

    This file should be located in this folder

    C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Native Access\resources\

    I just checked mine and it is there

    This indicates a failed install of Native Access - and has nothing to do with updating VC++ libraries etc.

    Suggest you open File Explorer - cruise to this location and tell us what you see (screencap)


  • patrickmcn
    patrickmcn Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    Thanks, Vocalpoint. The app.asar file is there - 51,042KB but I can't access the app.asar file to see whether the zmqbindings.node file is located in the app.asar file. In the resources folder, there are 4 files. Apart from the app.asar file, there is a Daemon folder; a app-update.yml file and an "elevate" app.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    Like VP's, my same location also contains app.asar, with the "Date Modified" being (most likely) the last date I installed or upgraded Native Access. So 11/07/2024 for me. The file size should be around 51 MB, if that helps.

  • patrickmcn
    patrickmcn Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    Thanks, BIF, for your response.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,241 Expert

    All the other references in the error message reference calls that Native Access (to zmqbindings.node) is trying to make FROM that file but cannot for programmatic reasons.

    What OS are you running and what version of Native Access?


  • patrickmcn
    patrickmcn Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    Vocalpoint. Windows 10 and Native Access 2.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,241 Expert

    Can you be more specific. There are 15-18 version of Windows 10. Is it 22H2 etc? Click Start and type "winver" and hit enter

    And for Native Access - there have been at least 15-20 versions of that as well. You should be on v3.16.


  • patrickmcn
    patrickmcn Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    It is 22H2. The version of Native Access is the latest version from the website.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,241 Expert

    Best I can suggest is to take one more crack at uninstalling Native Access. Do this via Windows 10 Settings-Apps & Features.

    After it completes - check the folder structure

    C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Native Access

    and make sure everything is gone. Then reboot.

    Then reinstall Native Access - let us know if you get any errors or any other messages when you reinstall.


  • Mert_NI
    Mert_NI Customer Care Posts: 738 mod

    Hello patrickmcn, I checked your tickets and it seems like our technical team got back to you yesterday with a possible solution. Have you tried this workaround?

    I hope this helps☺️

  • patrickmcn
    patrickmcn Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    Hey MertNI - Yes they did. I tried each solution (even they ones that they have now suggested twice) they offered and none of them worked.

    Frankly I am very tired right now. It is clear to me that your company has not come across this particular issue before - otherwise you wouldn't have suggested such a scattershot solution to the issue. You are not willing to provide tech support via phone or video feed so at this stage I don't need any more suggestions on how to fix the issue. I am not tech savvy. I might be incorrectly applying the solutions you have suggested. I just need you to provide me with an IT guy who can fix the problem. I said before - I don't mind paying. I just need to get the software to work. So please - no more suggested solutions that you really know nothing about. I just need someone to tell me - "an IT guy will fix your problem." My concern, of course, is that the error message references the Native Access software so I really don't want to hear an IT guy tell me that it is a problem that only NI can solve.

    And to all those from the community who offered advice - Vocalpoint, BIF etc. - thank you very much.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    We don't have a phone support or paying support option at the moment. Please continue the troubleshooting with my colleagues, I'm sure they will find a way to have this issue fixed eventually, like for all other customers.

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