I can’t login to my Native ID account
It keeps telling me I have the wrong password or email, but I don’t. I made another account just to ask. I really don’t know what to do here. There’s no phone number or email to call or write to, just this ask the community feature which is nice but ultimately not very helpful.
any idea how i can get NI Access 2 to see my INSTALLED libraries? downloading duplicates
hi there, i reformatted my windows 10 pc. all is well there. installed NI Access 2. now, all my libraries were installed on an external drive (S:). i set the correct locations in Access 2. however, not ALL the libraries showed as installed. many showed as installed, but many not. for example, none of the vc 160 type…
Native access stuck on installing previews
Hey all, just trying to get my new Maschine MK3 setup, downloading the necessary apps & software from Native Access, and the last item left to download is "Previews" but it seems to be stuck. I left Native Access open overnight and it's still not making any progress. Any idea what could be going on here?
MDLTone Ultimate Heavy Drums won't install correctly
I can see UHD in Native Access, but when I go to Add Library, there's no library to add. I reached out to MDLTone but they said that their download is only the one shot files and that NI should be installing the plugin within Native Access. I'm on an M1 Mac mini and version 1.14.1 of native access. I have lots of plugins…
Error messages on update installs and deinstalls in NA
Hello dear community, I've written about this subject before and stiil can't find a (or better THE) solution, so help… please! I'm using the latest version of Native Acces on a Windows 10 machine. Every software update I get an error messsage (screenshots in this msg). I then have to uninstall the to be updated software…
Brand new Z1 MK3 Serial Not Recognized
Native Access will not allow Z1 MK3 to register now what?
Lunar Echoes library relocation
I relocated all my Maschine libraries to a separate subfolder, and changed the installation paths using the repair function in Native Access. All libraries worked except Lunar Echoes. After making several attempts, I noticed that there is a misspelling in the library name (Lunar Echos). I corrected the spelling and the…
How to install Schema-Dark?
All other Komplete 15 Collector's Edition products installed successfull
Unsubscribe from email notifications
I am unable to unsubscribe from email notifications which was accidently activated. As a result my inbox is swamped. Please help!
8Dio - Modern Scoring Bundle NKS Store not seen anywhere in Native Access
According to the list of the software bundles I bought, I should have above mentioned lib installed. (I entered the Serial number again, which worked, but there was no download option anywhere.) Where should I see that software? Or how is it supposed to be used? Thank you!
How do I retrieve Files?
What's up Everyone? I am having a difficult time searching for my files. I am up to date on all DAW's. I am using MacOs Sequoia 15.1.1. I go back & forth from pro tools to native. Ive been dealing with this issue for awhile but lately ive been doing some heavy mixing. Now that I am caught up on my work I am having trouble…
Mac mini m4 Cunard 14 and native instruments kotakt 8
hi I have just purchased a Mac mini m4 downloaded Cubase 14, and down loaded native access so I can use spitfire symphony orchestra but cubase can’t find native instruments it can find all my spitfire library’s but can’t find my native access/ native instruments
Move entire data, files & drivers etc over to a new computer
Greetings one and all.. I have to change my windows 10 computer. Thinking of getting a apple mac. Can you explain process to transfer over my native instruments data, drivers etc from one computer to another, also how to switch from windows laptop to mac desktop. As you probably worked out by now , I'm not at all computer…
Izotope Unification bug
Hi, trying to install my Izotope Element plugins but stuck in a bug with the unification process. Cannot enter the Izotope account because it's telling me it's been unified yet the Native account is saying I have to unify.
Library Installation
Hi there, I would like to install all libraries on an external drive. Is it correct that this is called "Content Location" in NA? Formerly it was called "library location path" or something similar. Thanks in advance!
“Locked by Customer Support”
Hi all, Hoping someone can help me I recently purchased a used komplete a61 and have been trying to register my serial number into Native Access with no luck. I was originally told that my number was ready to register from the seller. Received an error saying “Blocked by customer support”. Reached out to NI and was told…
Session Guitarist Electric Mint doesn't finish installing step
Hello, My downloads are stucked in Native Access because Session Guitarist Electric Mint doesn't finish its installing step. Do you have any trick to help me to finish this installation and go further ? Thank you in advance for your help.
Leap expansions missing in Kontakt??
Hello I just got Komplete 15 and noticed some expansions are missing in the leaf section of kontakt. All expansions were installed in native access, but only a handful are showing up in kontakt.. NI any help? I tried to open a ticket but the NI help bot is not working for me…
plugins load in demo mode
Tried help suggestions, nothing worked
Odd "Product" Listed in Native Access
Does anyone know what the blue product at the top of the list is? There are no release notes and the description says "The Ultimate Creative Toolkit for deep sound exploration feature- Cutting edge DSP for High Fidelity Sound" If I attempt to install it I get an error message: Installation Failed. Review your location…