Why are all of my Komplete products in "Demo" mode now?

GiveMeStein Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I'm a long time NI user, starting around 2009 and with my latest update being to Komplete 10 in 2013. My software is old, but since it has always worked and been a very easy way to get sounds quickly I never really saw the need to upgrade further. However, I recently opened a project from an album that I've been working on for about 5 years and found out that all of my instances of Kontakt (or really any NI product I owned) have changed to "Demo" mode, and this even shows in Native Access. At this point, my activation codes and serial numbers are probably in a long-deactivated email account. How can I fix this? More importantly, why is this even happening? Shouldn't there be some kind of authorization file in local storage?


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,301 Expert

    If your last update was in fact 2013 - that would be 12 years of old now long outdated authorization tools.

    You probably have Native Access v1 on your machine which is now effectively retired.

    You would need NA v3.17 to be current. Whether this would allow you to actually activate Komplete 10 era tools is a question - while it should work for some of them - might be better to consult with support to address this.


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