Kontakt 7.3.2 not appearing correctly
I have brand new computer, windows 11 Kontakt 7.3.2 which does not appear correctly it is like it is still Kontakt 6 but it is version 7, I have re-install it in Native Acces, I have followed the tutorials on NI website but still the same. My DAW is Cubase 12 Pro.
"you may not access the item" error while attempting to install native access 2 on windows 11
My specs: Windows 11 Home Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 5700U with Radeon Graphics 1.80 GHz Installed RAM: 16.0 GB (15.4 GB usable) Any ideas?
traktor s4 mk1 download on Windows 11
I have a Traktor S4 Mk1 that works perfectly. I recently bought a new laptop which runs on Windows 11. I've loaded the software but Native Access does not make provision to activate the software. can anyone please help. I still have the original installation disc.
Access violation when Starting Traktor 2.11 on Windows 11
Hi people, I cannot start Traktor after installation of Traktor on Windows 11 22h2. The app crashes and the event log says access violation (c0000005). How to remediate this?
Royal Albert Hall Organ & Kontakt7
Hi, Royal Albert Hall Organ will not start in Kontakt7, it freezes, see image below. Opening Kontakt VST3 In Ableton Live 11 there is no problem using Royal Albert Hall Organ. Anyone experiencing the same problem? Thanks in advance for the help. Gr. Frank
How do I control ableton lives "blue hand mode/automappin" with maschine mk3 encoders?
Hey guys, I use maschine as vst in ableton with this script:https://elton47.gumroad.com/l/mmmk3-live-11-script pretty cool and deep integration, but I can`t use the encoders of the mk3 to control lives blue hand mode. If I use a custom midi script like I do with my komplete kontrol mk1 for the maschine mk3 I can only…
Linnstrument/MPE with Kontakt (Evolution Rock Standard)
Ok, I'm a newbie, struggling to clamber up the MPE learning curve. I recently got a Linnstrument, which is an MPE controller. I'm trying to configure Kontakt (and more specifically, the Evolution Rock Standard guitar instrument) to respond to pressure (for volume), x axis (left/right) movments (for pitch bend) and y axis…
Komplete Audio 6 MK1 - BSOD on Windows 11
Hello, I've been having an issue with my audio interface over the past few months, and it's gotten to a point where I simply cannot use it anymore due to the risk of losing work. Every so often, most commonly when large amounts of system resources are being used, my computer will blue screen with the code…
How do I remove the monodelay effect from the "Cylinder Music Box" preset in Kinetic Metal
I can't for the life of me figure out how to specifically remove this effect from the sound. The whole simplicity aspect is cool but is there a way to specifically target the monodelay effect Thanks! :)
Output Routing "Stopped 96kHz"
Hello all, I just installed Traktor Pro 3 with my S4 MK3 on a new Windows 11 laptop. Unfortunately, no audio output can be selected with the WASAPI Exclusiv driver. The MP3 is played internally but no signal is output. The outputs are set to "Stopped 96kHz". Does anyone know the problem? I suspect it is the driver? Thanks…
Komplete Kontrol s88 mk2 mixer screen lag
Hi Everyone I used a translator to use English. sorry. There's a lagging on mixer display of s88, regardless of DAW. (Ableton, Studio One, Cubase ...) I think there is definitely a delay only on the meter in mixer. The screen of the mixer is not smooth. (As if there's a frame drop) Can you guess what the problem is? Thank…
Win 11 update, Maschine no longer runs
2023-05 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5026372) Computer just updated to that, Maschine no longer runs, just gets to initialise UI and crashes, anybody else having this issue? EDIT* Did the database delete fix, but it completely borked my Reaktor 6 install too, weird stuff.
No Sound in Maschine 2 Software.
Audio Interface: Motu M4; OS: Windows 11 Today, I tried to fire up Maschine and installed the latest update. Unfortunately not getting any sound whatsoever when I use the software. All drivers and software are up to date. I've tried every single driver, buffer size, and sample rate. I normally use ASIO/Motu M Series as you…
Kontakt 7 Player Hijacked my Kontakt 6 instruments?!
Hello, I have a huge problem. Last week Native Access installed Kontakt 7 Player with the Scarbee and Rickenbacker updates. Now when I open previous projects in Maschine all of my (full version) Kontakt 6 instances open in Kontakt 7 Player demo mode... I've tried unchecking Kontakt 7 in the plug-in manager and also…
M 32, Maschine 2, NI Accessibility Helper and Bitwig 4 / 5 Studio MIDI Output Error
When opening Bitwig I get the ever popular MIDI Output Error. Strangely I went through the steps outlined here to no avail; https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=577541 After getting frustrated I started to kill the NI Services, one by one and restarting Bitwig while still getting the error, nothing worked until I…