Application of finite difference/time-stepping methods for physical modeling in Reaktor?
Hey, I want to be able to apply this paper to be able to simulate a geometrical model of a spring reverb tank. It is applied using finite difference techniques, more of which can be found here. The only issue here is that I have no idea how the hell I can properly apply this technique using the method displayed at 1:19. I…
Making custom folders for blocks?
Make an OSC folder, Filter folder, etc. Is this possible and where to put them? I´m not home so can´t check. Thinking of Reaktor and patching in my head lol
As a builder, how would you feel about a total compatibility break for Reaktor 7?
If you could have your own personal wish list for changes, updates, features and fixes for R7, would you accept a total compatibility break with older versions? Meaning no existing ensembles, macros, instruments, etc. would work at all in the new environment. I'm getting to feel that I would prefer that future for Reaktor.…
Making gate/trig bursts
Hi I'm working on my first ensamble and coming from a hardware modular background. I'm building a simple ensemble with stepsequencer trigging 8 separate voices/sounds. I'm tryi g to find ways to make fast bursts if trigs/gates. Multipy with correct modules? Thanks! Peppe
Multiplexing Help Needed for compiling/initialization crashes
Hi, Im building a mixer that needs a lot of controls going in and I used the very simple multiplexing macros from the block template kit, however, whenever the core cell recompiles it causes tons of issues (that little orange bar takes forever to finish and on my laptop which was lower power it would crash at a certain…
Reaktor Ens Mod
I have made a mod of an ensemble in order to map midi notes to my yamaha DTX drum pad. It works great except when the instrument is opened for the first time in Mainstage all the notes mapped do a "test" sound. The workaround is to step through each Mainstage scene to get the test notes out the way before the gig starts.…
Stuck notes when transposing MIDI
Hey there, I'm trying to make a simple MIDI transposer with increment and decrement buttons for transposing. I have it working for the most part, however when transposing, previous note ons get stuck. This behaviour is also present in the bundled "Controller_Voice_Tranpose" macro found in "utility/display" Any help much…
"Adding sample failed" error
whenever I try to load up a sample I have an error.. I tried reinstall the reaktor and reboot my computer ... Is there anyone who knows what's going on? Thank you
Envelope question
Hi. When I build an oscillator in stereo in an instrument with lets say 4 voices the envelope is not applyed to every note pressed, but only to the first note.. for example if i set the attack to 50, I press C and after one second I press E over it the attack of the first note it's as expected, but the attack of the second…
Question about separating MIDI note/pitch from velocity/gate
Question: How can I separate note#/pitch from velocity/gate messages (input via MIDI controller) into two different data streams for processing, then have them recombine at the input of a virtual instrument? I am using Cubase and Reaktor, but will consider any MIDI tool that does the job. One example application is to…
Grain Cloud as a sampler with reverse
Hi! I recently tried to use the Grain Cloud module as a sampler, as it allows to play the samples in revers. I don't want to use this module as a granular sampler, i would like to use it as a normal sampler and i want to be able to play the sample one time without loop. To do that i connected the grain trigger out to a…
XZero to Gate Not Working
Hey Everyone, I am running into another mystery problem on the audio effect ensemble I am working on. colB very kindly solved the last issue that I had, but now it's something else! Here's what's going on: I am trying to control an AR Envelope with a Gate signal derived from the Core "XZero to Gate" Macro which is wired up…
Does anyone know how to make Reaktor blocks polyphonic?
I’ve been learning how to build synths using the blocks in Reaktor, but I wasn’t able to figure out how to make a synth, built with blocks, polyphonic. Is it possible to do this?
NAN with Multiple Envelope Follower in Single Core Macro
Hey everyone, I am trying to build an external audio effects processor and running into some mystery problems. I'm using a couple of Envelope Followers within a core macro that are part of a multi-stage audio process wherein the signal gets analyzed by EF #1, gets modified based on EF output, then proceeds to EF #2 which…
Anyone good with math?
I wanted to make a lookup table for each of the below log and exp modules in excel. Sometimes the read only lookup tables end up in the local cache in the computer and might be faster and use less cpu. I forgot the math. I'd also like to make a table for the log used for a db conversion.