Does Reaktor support full duplex midi
Having problems with hanging notes, apparently the env gen is occasionally missing the note off commands. Probably the note on commands too. Curious if there is an acknowledgment method that a note off command was actually received and latched into an envelope generator vs being missed altogether.
Is there a way to overlay two knobs, One smaller in the middle and the larger around it.
Just want to make a fine tune knob on the outer part and course tune in the middle. Not sure if layering makes it possible. Any ideas?
Battling CPU, Dynamic CPU reduction
Simple thing really but can be quite effective on some things. Simple get the cpu usage from the system info. Select the number of voices and get a base load value first. Latch the base load into the bottom input of a subtract module and attach the cpu to the top. Now you have a calibrated output from the subtract module…
Auto resize Reaktor ensemble to screen resolution
Hello 🙂 Is there a way to auto resize a Reaktor ensemble according to screen resolution? There are many ensembles (usually user-made ones) that are huge and while this is great on a desktop's big screen, it is a total mess of frustrating on a laptop. I couldn't find any solution online, so i ask here. Thanks in advance for…
FFT Phase Vocoder crackling
Hey guys, Trying to morph two sounds by taking the FFT amplitudes of one and combining it with the Phases of another. I'm using the FFT Macros by Robin Davies and am using the phase vocoder within the EzFFT as a reference. The sound is there, however, there are very distinct crackles everywhere. Second half is what it…
Battling CPU
It seems the latch might be your best friend in turning off a module. As shown below I installed latches on all inputs except the reset. The clock for the module is turned of externally but without the front latches a lot of things were still active. It seems the latch cannot send out an event with it's clock stopped. So…
Why does the "SWITCH" retrigger gate inputs on envelope generators.
Any time the switch is used I get a blast of any notes that have been previously played and the keys have been released. I have 5 switches and regardless of which one is used this always happens. Any suggestions?
8 step analog trigger sequencer, inspired by Doepfer A-155
I wanted to drop this here in case anyone has comments or suggestions for improvement for my entry A-155 Trigger Sequencer | Entry | Reaktor User Library (native-instruments.com). I will post description below. One question I have out of the gate is about interpolation. The bottom row sequences Audio inputs and can…
This is sweet, found a way to reduce cpu when the envelope generator stops.
I took a look into and envelope generator "ahdsr" hoping to find a way to detect the end of the envelope and discovered the init. As soon as the release stage is finished the init changes states. Here's a way to tap it and shut off external oscillators etc. when the envelope is over. This is inside the env generator.…
How to create Reaktor Arpeggiator?
Does anyone know how to create a arpeggiator in Reaktor. I require an arpeggiator that does octave range scaling (etc up and down, down and up, random).
How come Reaktor's native upsampling displays both pre-ring and non-linear phase response?
could someone explain to me the mechanics of this implementation and why you think NI went for it?
"Previous event module" difficulty
Here's a case where the initialization produces note 69. As the module states it's a one time init number based on what you put in there, in this case 69. It does exactly what it is suppose to if I input any midi pitch on the input except the first midi note "zero". If a zero goes in there a 69 comes out. If a 1 goes in, a…
Anyone else notice pitch increases with louder volume.
Seems to be a brain thing, I can play a constant sine wave low note around 42 to 100 hz and turn up the volume. If I turn up the volume about 10 db it sounds like the pitch increases almost a half step. Pretty crazy but for me it's true, take it from an old piano tuner, my sense of pitch is well trained. Got a little time?…
Merge module functions.
I'm not sure exactly how the merge is working. This module produces scaled values for midi notes above or below a fixed value. There are actually two breakpoints. For example, the merge will receive an event if a midi note is above of below the breakpoints. If the note breakpoints are set to 48 for the low and 70 for the…
FR Reaktor> UPDATE SYSTEM INFO with upsampling information
currently i know of no way to make the build aware of whether audio SR is a product of reaktor's upsampling. Consequently there can be no logic of modifying the build's behavior to accomodate for reaktor's upsampling mechanics (filtering in my case), so that has to be a manual option up to the user of the build. i propose…