Playbox - can't scroll through Presets?
Playbox is very interesting, and I hope it gets developed further. One thing I find cumbersome is that (as far as I know), you can't use your mouse scroll wheel to scroll through the Preset lists of Instruments, Synths, etc. - you have to click/drag the scroll bar in the list window. Am I missing something or should this…
Playbox hangs when pressing play on Logic
Since 2 days I can't use Playbox, as soon as I press play LogicPro hangs. This only happens with Playbox. All other instruments work without problems. Does anyone else have this problem?
Playbox - Saving User Samples Across Projects
The ability to permanently save user samples across different projects seems very difficult. The manual suggests saving a Snapshot or an NKI file, but those only save user samples that are associated with a certain patch/sound. For example, if I've loaded 10 user samples in the User Sample area but only 4 of those make it…
im trying to install playbox but it just stays as "installing" its been 2 days and still no change. Nothing else is able to complete installation as everythings qued behind playbox. i cant stop, pause or cancel installation as theres no option to.
Playbox Audio Mixdown
I have been playing with and loving Playbox. I just made a simple beat but if I try to mix it down to a WAV in MPC it makes a strange messy sound and takes forever to export. It is just the Astma Arps preset. All the other stuff I have tried works fine.
Multisampling instruments in Maschine software from Maschine plus
do you know if it is possible to resampling playbox (a patch or specific sound) from maschine software and save it into maschine plus to be use as standalone and integrate this to projects in DAWless mode? This question applies to any instrument or extension not available inside maschine plus.
PlayBox missing features(delete and add new note to chord), chords reorder
Hello everyone! I've been using PlayBox for a few days now and I've really enjoyed it! However, while using it I have noticed a few things that I think could make it even better. First of all, there is no way to delete or add individual notes, this has been partially discussed here, but unfortunately this feature has not…
Playbox + Maschine MK3 (no lighting to see 8 keys)
Hello everyone, I just downloaded Playbox today with the Komplete 14 Standard, and I can't see the 8 individual keys used for controlling the sounds on my Maschine MK3. It's randomly on pads 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 13. Is there a way to customize which keys control the Playbox notes? I get all the same light color in…
I don't get Playbox.
Admittedly I've only messed around with it for a little bit, but even after watching a few videos I don't get the value of PlayBox. The videos show a person playing around with chords and sounds, but what do I do when I find a good sample and effect combination I like? How can I make use of the samples and the effects…
Tempo sync in Playbox
Perhaps I am missing something glaringly obvious but how do I get playbox sounds/presets etc. to sync to the tempo of my DAW (Studio One in my case)? For example - I found a really nice preset called New Adventure. I tweaked the effects very slightly. and changed only 1 aspect of the sample. While playing around with the…
Playbox - how to get a preset in sync with DAW?
Hi everyone. I'm new to the Playbox instrument and it sounds great, but I can't figure out how to get some of the presets to sync to my DAW tempo, or vice versa and I'm hoping someone can help. Maybe the issue is the time signature? To give you an example: the Caverns preset is a rhythmic one. I recorded a few notes into a…
Playbox user presets location on Windows 11?
Hello, I've been enjoying working with Playbox and would like to find and back up a custom user preset I build within Playbox so that, in the event of a catastrophe, I can restore the chords and assigned samples to the sample matrix, etc. Where does Playbox save these on Windows? A search of the entire drive for files with…
Playbox - can you export a sample or a sound for use on a full keyboard in DAW?
I am in love with playbox - and I have finally discovered how to recreate the lead synth from Shine On You Crazy Diamond - but to get it to sound like I want I have had to set each vertical rack in the Chords section to just one note, rather than to a chord. Which means that when I play it in my DAW I get just seven notes…
Playbox Crashes Maschine. MacBook M1 Pro
So I just got Playbox, and I love it, however after awhile when loading the instrument it will crash Maschine. The only thing I've done is change my sample rate, because when exporting a song with it set at 44.1 it would chop off the beginning of the song. I've changed that back to 48.0, and still crashes. I've tried…
Playbox not being installed after displaying installation successful
I tried to install Playbox today and even though Native Access shows it as installed without a problem (green tick), it shows up as not being installed when I restart Native Access. Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt also don't show it. I am able to install any other plugin just fine. OS: Windows 11