feature request: better visualization
I'm in love with how Massive X sounds, but finding myself a bit frustrated by the user interface. I'm a big fan of Arturia Pigments and especially how it lets you "see" all the modulations (the "Vital" synth has similar functionality). I SO wish Massive X had something similar, it would make it so much easier to learn this…
Massive X - Where's Bingo?
Hi guys There's a blog post from a few months ago here https://blog.native-instruments.com/6-iconic-sounds-of-the-90s/ which mentions the famous Korg M1 organ sound, then goes on to say that there's a Massive X preset called Bingo which sounds similar. Now I've opened the Maschine 2 software, loaded Massive X and looked at…
Request for triggered oscillators
Today's synthesizers don't produce unique under/over tones that do not happen on a one shot basis. With todays processors expanding the number of CPUs, oscillators can be used in a lot of different ways and should be plentiful in VSTs. Can the ability to trigger an oscillator based on one or more offsets in a wave table or…
Massive X No Showing in Maschine 2
How can I get the massive x expansion I installed to appear for use in Maschine 2???
KK cant find my plugins when running as a VST inside a host. Why?
Hi, When I run Komplete Kontrol standalone it finds presets and plugins as expected. When I start it inside Reaper it lists the content of the library correctly, but when I try to load a preset of say Massive X it says plugins cant be found. It offers a scan of my library on startup, because it thinks I have nothing…
Massive X QWERTY Bug in FL Studio 20 (MASSIVEX-1398)
Whenever i hold down a note and drag a parameter in MX,the note gets triggered rapidly until i released the note,then the key got stuck after i released the note and it kept sustaining until i pressed stop,this only happens with pc keyboard,with my midi keyboard it works fine The workaround i found was to detatch MX and…
Massive X stability
Hi all ! As much as I love this synth, I'm now afraid to work with it because I noticed a lack of reliability and stability on my system. I use MX mainly through Maschine software, but I also had problems in Live. Bugs encountered (in maschine SW specifically): - I'm working on something, then I want to select my group or…
Massive X Version 1.3.6?
Native Access says there's a 1.3.6 update but the forum sticky says the latest is 1.3.5 and I can't find any info about it anywhere.
I can assign a macro to a given parameter in Massive X. When I try to drop/drag say for instance knob 1 to parameter x, when I then try to drop/drag knob 1 to another parameter it re-assigns it to the new target. How can I assign multiple parameters to a given knob. Thanks
Bigging up the oldies - Making synths scalable
I've recently been revisiting Massive for the first time in a long while and have really enjoyed getting back into all the potential of that instrument. All these years later it's still capable of wonderful stuff. My only problem is that the interface is now so small on a modern high-res monitor that I need to use the Mac…
How to disable random phase in Massive X?
Hey everyone, I just got massive X and I'm taking some time to learn about the synth. Been really enjoying using it but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to disable "random phase". What I mean by that is Massive X retriggering a note on a different phase. You hear it in the transient of a sound. One trigger will…
The button Env-Level in the Amp-Envelope section is still sitting there doing nothing. It would really be nice if this could be a mix/dry/wet knob, can we have that please? Or maybe have it removed since it's sitting there implying to have some effect but really doing nothing at all I guess.