How to fix NIHostIntegrationAgent service is not running? File is missing
S61 keyboard and Maschine MK2 are not loading. NIHostIntegrationAgent service is not running and trying to start this manually gives Windows report that the NIHostIntegrationAgent file is missing. This happened after problems updating Komplete Kontrol through Native Access. I now have Komplete Kontrol 3.0.2 but neither the…
Tranferring licences for Maschine hardware and software
I want to transfer my Maschine hardware to a friend... along with the license, of course. I can see how to transfer the license for the hardware... but it says the software Maschine license is "not transferable". Will my friend be able to download and use the software once she has the hardware license? AND... once the…
is it possible to access Samples & Loops library i got from Komplete on Ableton? if so, how?
S88 Mk2 not playing sounds keyboard mode
Hi I’m experiencing a problem with my S88 Mk2 midi controller. I have a 2020 MacBook Pro that has 4 thunderbolt ports as the hub of my production studio and use a Universal Audio Apollo Twin X Quad as the center of my production studio. Recently started to record so I installed Protools as my DAW. Now my S88 midi…
Patch Change Automation in Maschine
Seems to work fine on NI plugs. Just got the GForce Oberheim OB-E and can't seem to automate patch changes in Maschine. Using VST2's NOT VST3's. Any way to control these patch memory buttons via CC? Figured out that the OBX requires MSB and LSB to be specified, so that's working. Can't seem to load SEM presets into the…
Slave Reaktor Transport Controls to Mashcine
We've created a Reaktor template for the Maschine controller but can't seem to get the transport controls to respond to anything other than the spacebar on our QWERTY kbd. Are we missing something?
Maschine on Mountain Lion or lower
Since Native Access isn’t available on OS X Mountain Lion or lower, is there a way to authorize software since Service Center has been shutdown?
How to get scripts for Maschine Mk1 to work on Abelton 11?
Hi there everyone, Would any one know by any chance how to get scripts for Maschine Mk1 to work on Abelton 11 Live? When i do it the manual way shown over the internet, it gives me the below error. Thanks
Can't Get Maschine Mk1 Working
Just bought a Maschine Mk1 off marketplace. The guy siad it worked perfectly for him. Got home, plugged it in and the lights flashes once and that's about it. Watched some tutorials and was able to fix it on another computer by installing the driver and controller. However, I can't get it to work on my main computer. I'm…
Maschine Mk1 Serial Number?
Heeeelp... Just venturing into making music for the first time and purchased a second hand Maschine Mk1 Groovebox. All the software appears to have been transferred but I don't seem to have the serial number for the Massine to add it into my NI account. Ive read on NI website that you can reference the serial number from…
Key presses in Controller Editor please?
Trying to make some standalone templates, I need letters such as "S" to be supported. Any chance we could get this? I've unfortunately begun to lose faith in NI after the new hardware gen, but if they REALLY are just dedicating themselves to software updates, then I'd like to see some added features to tide us over, such…
Any Update Soon for Maschine?
Hi everyone, Is it me or NI is lacking of updates? When i Buy maschine few years ago, it was because NI was supporting their products for a long time (with the MK1 and MK2) and was doing a lot of updates with adding new features. But the years have passed and I have the impression that keeping updating and improving is…
Maschine fails to save ANY file halfway through! HELP!
***PLEASE HELP* Community, I desperately need help resolving this or I’m deleting Maschine for good after 12 years… Maschine will run perfectly fine and projects will save with ease. After a few more days working on it, it just says “file cannot save. Unknown error”. if I individually go to each group and save, I SOMETIMES…
Farewell Sounds.com
Just received an email today: We’re writing to let you know that we will be retiring Sounds.com on June 30th, 2023. We appreciate you for being a Sounds.com subscriber in the past and hope that you’ll continue your journey with the Native Instruments family. Our teams will now focus on delivering new sounds and instruments…
My Maschine software updated to 2.17 how do I downgrade to 2.0?
I had to re-image my machine recently and now I have maschine 2.17. The changes are two different from my normal workflow, I'd like to go back to what I had before. How do I downgrade back to 2.0?