How to sidechain reverb?
So I'm trying to sidechain the reverb for more clear vocals, but reverb should be still there kinda like between the singing. I know it's very basic thing to do, but I rarely use these kind of tecnics and want to learn more. I just started to use effect sends and I almost got it right, but the problem is that compressor is…
Maschine+ controller’s display freezing in midi mode
Hi everyone, I noticed that my maschine+ display was freezing on midi mode… (on both maschine 2 software and vst) Actually, when i start a maschine project, after less than 3 manipulations on the controller, all pads and screens are freezed. i can still control maschine 2, but without display sync on the controller. so the…
I want CLEAR user library beaming directly to folders/tags
I want a CLEAR user library which beams me directly to my folders/tags... For me the first filters (vendor/product) are completly irrelevant if i just want another KICK or another cymbal or whahtever... My whole user-(drum) library uses 50% of MASCHINE native-library-content... i have copied these samples to my OWN…
Maschine Plus crashes on startup
Hi, this is my first post. I already submitted a ticket about this and am hoping to hear back soon. I recently got a used Maschine+ and when I try to boot it up it shows "Maschine+ is starting" and then disappears after only about 2 seconds and the power button goes back to blinking red. Any ideas on how to fix it? Or is…
Mikro Mk3 pads no sound or tactile response
Mikro Mk3 Pads 1/3&4 do not work when pressed in any mode. All pads lit. Any ideas? Thanks!
Komplete expansions installation, Native Access to Maschine 2
With determination, I've embarked on setting up my new laptop to maximize its potential with Komplete expansions through Native Access to Maschine 2. However, encountering the "Please activate via Native Access" message impedes my progress. Despite meticulously rescanning the program, verifying application locations, and…
Feature Request: Quantised Pattern Launching
Been requested a million times before, but much of the community want the ability to change pattern in a quantised way, just like what can be done with scenes. Such a critical feature for live performance. Add it and relaunch Jam: such a great piece of hardware - such a missed opportunity due to this key software feature…
Why has Maschine been taking sometimes over 10 minutes to open?
OK, I've submitted things to Centrecode Beta / Bug reports etc, etc, remarkably unsuccessfully, so I'm on a blitz hoping that someone will actually address this issue in something that could remotely be seen as being a professional manner. It has consistently been blamed on either 'my configuration' or due to the amount of…
Had a question - decided to stick with Akai instead !
After reading about 6 posts I believe my question is no longer needed.. The solution is simple. stick with Akai. There is a reason they cost more. They just work, you do not need customer support.
What does Maschine Jam TS Edit option do?
What does Maschine Jam TS Edit option do? That is, the white lettering above the 'F' button. I can't find anything in the manual or anything online describing what it is used for.
Metronome Does Not Follow Swing
In Maschine+, when the metronome is set to 1/16, it is expected to adhere to the master swing setting. However, it continues to maintain a straight rhythm instead. Ideally, it should mimic the sound of the "note repeat" function when it is set to 1/16. Is there a specific setting that can rectify this issue?
AKAI Did it, why not Native? Maschine+ and Kontrol Standalone Keyboard/Sampler/Groovebox Combo
AKAI's newest instrument is a fully standalone Keyboard / Sampler - Native has the opportunity to make something way better, by combining the Maschine+ and Kontrol Keyboard series into one fully standalone device that houses all of the power of the drumsyths/pads of the Maschine+ (and its amazing sampling capabilities) as…
How to scroll through a sample while keeping time selection
Hey everyone, I can't find a way to scroll through a sample after I meticulously adjusted the start and end markers on the Sampling page of the M+. The idea is to keep the length while adjusting the start marker. Are we able to do so?
Prehear user group/kit in Maschine Plus, how to?
hi, since it is possible to import .mxgrp format files relating to group/kits in the user folder, I wonder how I can obtain pre-listening of each group, as happens for the kits contained in the official expansions. Clearly I am referring to how to do it in the stand alone mode of the Maschine + maybe in the same way?…
Maschine as scoring tool
I just read the interview with Jason Grave, on your facebook page and: Aww!!!Such a nice in-depth interview right there! Hybrid scoring is the very cool thing about today’s technology, and for me an epiphany came with Maschine echosystem, combined with kontakt. I scored two circus show, and two motion pictures, using…