Can I get the old icons back?
The new icons look really out of place. Especially considering that maschine 2.0 app looks heaps retro with the blurry graphics. I don't know why it just really give me a bad itch that I just can't scratch. I think it's just that it looks so out of place with the rest of the app. Here is a picture of what I'm seeing. As…
How to Reset a Parameter/Knob in Maschine? (Modulation)
Hi all, I am a Maschine mk3 user since 1 year and I really like the whole workflow (once you got it 😅) and I'm producing whole tracks with the arranger as well. Now my question: There is a function in the Machine software that you can double-click the parameter/knob, so it jumps to the default position. Can you do that on…
Vinyl Guitar Rig Rack/ emulation
Hello all, I was wondering if anyone had any good plugin FX chains in Guitar Rig 7 for getting that crackling, warm, Vinyl texture.. Sound & feel. Seeing as quite a few of GR7’s updated modules.. where LoFi focused.. I thought this might be appropriate to ask. Most times with other plugins it ends up sounding as if the…
My Maschine+ broken power cord.
I Dont Know What To Do! I Had My Maschine Plugged In And I Was Holding My Son Got Up And He Grabbed My Beard And Tripped Over The Cord. Everything Was Fine. Then Later That Same Day My 2 Year Old Stepped On The Cord And It Broke. I Took The Piece Out From The Power Cord. So I Have Bought Numerous Power Adapters And None Of…
Kontakt cannot be loaded as it may not support apple silicon
Hey folks, Tried to load kontakt but libs from browser into maschine using controller. Any idea why this is happening? Kontakt does support apple silicon.
Maschine 2 studio not opening.. just the preference screen?? why is this?? HELP
ive installed everything using native access and its all working apart from Maschine studio!! i just get the preferences screen!
Missing plugins - already tried reinstalling (Maschine)
After the most recent Maschine update, I had issues with a bug, where I was unable to drag and drop duplicate loop selections. As soon as that bug was patched, my original issue was resolved but now all my plugins are missing. I have followed trouble shooting prompts, such as uninstalling and reinstalling the plugins, and…
Maschine 2.18 is out now!
Dear all, I am pleased to announce that we just released Maschine 2.18 introducing some long anticipated fixes and improvements. For this release our main goal was to establish compatibility with the latest macOS operating system and also address the top ranking issues that have been reported here on the community and our…
Workflows for editing MIDI program change parameters directly on Maschine+?
I added this as a feature on the sequence/editing feature discussion, but curious to get feedback here: "As a maschine+ user I want to be able to send program changes to MIDI outs to external gear when I switch groups and the ability to create/edit MIDI program control messages and embed them into clips on the M+ itself,…
Copy midi from Logic into Maschine2?
Is there a simpler way to import midi data into Maschine from Logic than exporting the selection as a midi file & then importing it into Maschine? I use Maschine as part of my live setup, so work quite a bit with midi loops & was hoping to just be able to highlight the midi in a loop, copy it & then open Maschine2 & paste…
Maschine Plugin Settings not saved
Hi! Some of my Plugin FX settings are not saved. When i change some settings or the presets and save and reload the project the plugin is reset to the init preset. I tested it with multiple plugins and only some have this behavior. Some are working fine. Not working correctly: Driver Replika Replika XT Solid EQ Working…
Editing midi program changes on Maschine Plus
I added this as a feature on the sequence/editing feature discussion: "As a maschine+ user I want to be able to send program changes to MIDI outs to external gear when I switch groups and the ability to create/edit MIDI program control messages and embed them into clips on the M+ itself, currently only way to do this is on…
How can I control Maschine (standalone) i.e. Transport-Control with a Midi-controller
Hi there, I would like to control as many functions (at least the transport control) as possible in Maschine 2.18 standalone with my Arturia KeyLab MK II keyboard. Does Maschine support Mackie or HUI or any other standard protocol? Do I have to create a mapping for the Midi-commands? If so, where do I find a documentation?
pad 14 madness
ok so here is my problem , when i load a sample on pad one and duplicate it over all the 16 pads and proceed to set the start points on the particular other pads f.e. pad2 this will happen. Maschine's view will autoswitch to ( always) pad 14 ( which btw is also glowing in a brighter orange ) until i press pad 2 again . As…
Does Komplete Kontrol not work in Maschine
I've tried everything and can't get Komplete Kontrol plugins to popup in Maschine. Not vst3 or vst. Does this just not work in there anymore?