Maschine + Update when i turn it on (Maschineplus)
When i turn my maschine + on, this messages appears but when i do update, it doesn't find the update, any options? cause i can't use my M+…
Loops vs Construction Loops
Can somebody give a detailed explanation of the difference between loops and construction loops in Maschine expansions? Been using Maschine / Native Instruments for 3 years and somehow never noticed the term "construction loops" in the expansion store I see it's based on tempo so i assume the difference is construction…
Traktor s3 - LINK/SYNC - Maschine mk3
Please please please🙏 help me guys I have just purchased a new s3 and I cannot for the life of me get it synced with maschine (By which i mean when i press play on traktor it plays on maschine) I have spent days following the few videos that are out there. I have tried a third part midi clock but I'm sure a midi clock is…
Seem to have lost the connection to saved reactor patches, plugins, settings,...
Hi, Considering i haven't used my maschine gear for a while and now working on an apple laptop running on sonoma 14.5 with M2 chip. (i thought i checked maschine when i first bought the laptop last year and seemed to be working fine) Starting up all of my projects now, all my reactor 'connections' and i think different…
Mikro Mk2 can out-sample Mikro Mk3 : Bring Back Maschine’s Signature Manual Sampling Mode
Okay, im sure youve seen my shortcut idea posts. I was looking for official notes on the Maschine 2.18.3 update, but found no literature. But, in order of priority, can we get the signature manual sampling back on the mikro? There should be no reason my mk2 can out sample the mk3. This is maschine’s bread and butter.…
SHIFT + * = Favorite Sound - Mirko Mk.3 / Does this work for you?
Hey, I just started using the mikro mk3. I watched all of the tutorials and read the owners manual. I wanted to favorite a sound (for the first time) today, but the “SHIFT + *” shortcut didnt work for me. Is anyone else running into this issue? The button works, it sends me to favorites list, but the SHIFT command isn't…
Battery not loaded as it may not support Apple silicon
Hi There, can someone help me? I have just started getting these messages from some packages within either Komplete Kontrol or Maschine, I think from some of the expansions (it's not clear which when I try to load it). Obviously it's some of the drum kits. As far as I am aware I don't have Battery? I do have Komplete…
Touch screen for next the next Maschine HW
I think a big miss is not having touch screen for the Maschine HW. The two screens literally scream to be touched. Please, for your next Maschine HW release - make the two screens touchable or better yet - one big screen, which can split and can be fully touchable.
"No Instrument Loaded" When loading any kontakt instrument in Maschine 07/2024
i was trying to load airy bells from Kontakt 6. Tried every reset possible. Followed this: Didnt “do the trick.” also followed methodology of this post form product support post: “Some Instruments Do Not Load from MASCHINE Desktop Projects in MASCHINE+” Keepin it short n sweet; what worked for me is making sure im all up…
Manual Slicing Samples on Maschine Mikro MK3
Hi! it is possible to slice samples in manual mode on the maschine mikro? I want to slice the samples manually pressing the pads on the cut point it is possible? Thanks, Nick
Summer sale, anything good for Maschine Plus owners?
Is there anything that is a “must grab” during this summer sale that is compatible with machine+? Sounds, packs, upgrades ect…?
Massive X Setting Keyboard LED Color to Default Blue in Maschine 2.18
When I load Massive X on a pad in Maschine it's setting the LEDs on my Kontrol S49 Mk2 keyboard to the default blue instead of the assigned pad/group color. Is there a fix for this? Thanks.
Software updates in Native Access 1.0 Discontinued?
I just looked up the release notes for Maschine 1.18 and realized that Native Access wasn't seeing an update for my installation (1.16). I was unaware that Native Access had been updated until seeing someone mention 2.0 in a thread. Are updates not being delivered to Native Access 1 anymore? Seems odd there was no…
S88 MK3 & Maschine Integration
Are there any plans whatsoever to bring back Maschine Integration? I'm asking because I'm a LONG time Maschine user who literally just invested into the S88 MK3, assuming it would be fully compatible with Maschine, only to find out that the integration is gone and it seems as if Native Instruments just doesn't care about…
Audio stutters with external audio interface with Maschine Plus
hello all, I’m using an Behringer UMC 404 audio interface with my machine plus, which is causing audio stuttering. Any suggestions on how to fix it? Seems to be happening every 2 seconds.