Maschine with external effects on a send

Berlin Zimbo
Berlin Zimbo Member Posts: 2 Member

While Maschine offers flexible routing options for sending sounds to external hardware effects, it can be useful to keep all your effects, including external ones, in a single group and access them via aux sends.

You can route an effects slot within your effects group to an external effect. However, Maschine won't recognize it as an effect unless you insert a software effect into that slot—an EQ is usually a good choice for this purpose, as it can be useful in itself. You can deactivate the software effect once it's in place. This setup allows Maschine to see it as an aux send option, and you can even rename it if needed!

For returns, it's advisable to use a separate slot to avoid feedback loops (unless that’s your intention). This slot can also be used to print the effect for mixdown.

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