Problem with weird bass sound after export to Maschine

Damilu Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe ein Problem mit meiner DAW Maschine. Wenn ich einen Bass-Loop in Maschine lade und das Projekt anschließend als WAV exportiere, klingt der Bass plötzlich komplett schräg. In der Maschine selbst, wo ich den Beat produziere, hört sich alles normal an, aber nach dem Export klingt der Bass total verzerrt und schräg.

Dieses Problem hatte ich bisher noch nie. Liegt es möglicherweise an meinen Einstellungen? Hier sind meine aktuellen Einstellungen in der Maschine-Software:

  • Driver: ASIO
  • Device: Focusrite USB Audio
  • Status: Running
  • Sample Rate: 44100
  • Buffer Size: 256

Komischerweise tritt das Problem nur bei Bass-Loops auf. Wenn ich Loops von anderen Instrumenten wie Piano exportiere, klingt alles wie gewohnt normal. Hat jemand eine Idee, woran das liegen könnte?

Danke schonmal im Voraus

Added English translation - if you could try to type in English that'd be appreciated thanks :)

Hello everyone

I have a problem with my DAW machine. If I load a bass loop into Maschine and then export the project as WAV, the bass suddenly sounds completely weird. In the machine itself, where I produce the beat, everything sounds normal, but after exporting the bass sounds totally distorted and weird.

I've never had this problem before. Could it be due to my settings? Here are my current settings in the Maschine software:

Driver: ASIO

Device: Focusrite USB Audio

Status: Running

Sample Rate: 44100

Buffer Size: 256

Strangely enough, the problem only occurs with bass loops. When I export loops from other instruments like piano, everything sounds normal as usual. Does anyone have an idea why this could be?

Thanks in advance


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited June 2024

    What are your export settings? (File>Export)

    Maybe you're exporting Groups thus bypassing your Master plugin chain, or exporting Sounds/Pads (which bypasses both Group and Master) thus ending up with something that sounds different.

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