Bug Display KONTROL S4MK3
I have just acquired an S4 Mk3 from Native Instruments, it is a B-stock on their Reverb store, so practically new, arrived very well refurbished with license. My problem concerns the display, it does not display the tracks and the information that goes with it. I followed all the recommendations concerning this kind of bug…
DVS with Traktor 3.9 and M1 Pro
I'm using a Pioneer DJM-850-K, which is Traktor certified, on an M1 Pro MacBook, and just installed Traktor 3.9. The issue I'm having is that there is no input signal being recieved by Traktor. For example, the timecodes are not being picked up in order for the calibration process to begin. However, when I play a song…
StreamLabs doesn't see Traktor signal
Hey there, I want to record live with camera. Streamlabs does not see the traktor signal. Can you help me? My Traktor X1 MK2, Z1 and Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 system
Song quality sounds like an MP3
I just bought a Hi Rez Album Tears For Fears AAIF 96K and it sounds amazing on everything but Traktor... It sounds amazing on Audacity, iTunes etc... but in Traktor it sounds like an MP3... and the panning of the drums is lost... I've noticed this sort of thing before but I can't understand why some tracks sound horrible…
Instructions (way): How to run Traktor 3.6.2 on Windows 8.1 Professional x64 (if you have error)
I did it like this: 1. Install Traktor 3.6.2 2. Start Controller Editor - it is installed next to the tractor. During first launch, Controller Editor does some operations. 3. Close Controller Editor. 4. Start Traktor 3.6.2 Please try for yourself and leave a comment
Dj Traktor with SD Card
I am considering buying the new MacBook Pro 14 simply because it has an SD card slot. I want to store and play music directly from the SD card. I understand it's not as efficient as the built in SSD or and external HD but is it good and reliable enough. Has anybody tested this on any laptop. Thanks. M
TRAKTOR PRO 3 shows up as demo
Ciao a tutti, ho un problema ho acquistato traktor pro 3, ma non riesco a effettuare il download, mi permette di scaricare solo la versione demo. Sapete come aiutarmi?
Collection & Settings disappeared after updating to 3.9.0
Hi all After updating to 3.9.0 my whole collection has disappeared and all my controller settings have been forgotten. Is it as simple as copying my collection.nml file, Coverart folder and settings (tsi) files from my old 3.7.1 folder into the same position in my new 3.9.0 folder? Seems odd that it wouldn't do that…
i have a question about installing native acces 2
i keep getting the same error: Native Access Setup Native Access is running. Click OK to close it. If it doesn't close, try closing it manually but i dont have native acces installed on my pc anymore i tried removing al the old folders but i cant seem to get it to work
Interpretation of an icon on top right of traktor pro 3.5.2
Hello the community, I am very sorry in advance if my question sounds stupid or was already asked : On the top right corner of the traktor pro 3.5.2 interface, starting from left to right, there are 1 small window for the general type (2D int, 2D ext....) and then 5 icons : search icon preferences icon automix icon a round…
Sending Traktor decks into Ableton for returning effects
At first, sorry for bad English. I tried this feature with Jack2 setup but unsuccesfully. Setup: MSI laptop with Ryzen 5 5625U, Windows 10 22H2; Traktor A10: 2 main inputs and outputs set to be used for send/return FX's (PSP42 plugin and reverb), all remaining outputs goes for Traktor decks; DJM 800: 3 Traktor decks + 1…
Traktor Kontrol S4 Doesn't Connect (Master light flashing)
Hello everyone, I got this problem: The Traktor kontrol s4 doesn't connect to the computer (MacBook), it was perfectly working 'till few hours ago, when suddenly it disappeared from computer devices and I'm not able to connect it anymore, it does light up but master light (usb light) is blinking. I already tried to change…
Traktor and Beatport Link tracks jumping and skipping issue
Hi, I am testing Beatport Link as I thought it would save me time to select new tracks and money, however when playing tracks off of a Beatport link playlist, some tracks are like corrupted and skip and jump like an old CD record. If I play the song again, it still skips. I tried to reload the Beaport Link playlists but no…
Does Traktor recognize any command line arguments?
`open Applications/Traktor.app --args whatever` doesn't seem to pass the argument to Traktor...
S3 kontrol firmware update problem
Hello everybody. I’m trying to update my new S3 but It says Installed Firmware is 1.0.7 and Updater Firmware is 0.2.0 but it doesn’t update! It says I have the newer firmware! My question is which is the newer firmware? 1.0.7? And why it says 0.2.0 is the newer firmware? How come a new product says that it has the newer…
TRAKTOR PRO 3 Professional 4-Deck DJ Software for M1
I saw that the update for Apple Silicon has a check mark on this page https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014683497-Apple-Silicon-Compatibility-News But my question is when i’m gonna download the TRAKTOR PRO 3 Professional 4-Deck DJ Software Is this the updated version for M1 processor though?
Tracktor scratch issue
@Mark_NI For some reason one deck is not responding to the turntable pitch control. Also the other deck that is working is responding slow. To be clear when I change the pitch on the analog turntable, the track's pitch in Tracktor does not change. I have both decks on scratch control and in absolute mode. The weird thing…
Identifing the different audio 2 dj
Hello How can I tell the difference between Audio 2 DJ Traktor Audio 2 Traktor Audio 2 mk2 I know there is a thread in this forum that tells you how to spot it, but I can't find it. Someone is selling this: And I guess only the mk2 is worth buying? Windows 10. Thanks for reading.
Improve tempo fader setting to prevent sudden tempo jumps
When a track which is currently the MASTER ends or is stopped, while in SYNC mode, the new track becomes the MASTER, and the tempo will not change until the tempo fader on the new master track is moved, at which point it will jump suddenly to whatever tempo that fader is set to. I am currently using the Kontrol S4 MK3 with…
Traktor s4 mk3 - M1 (2021) silicon compatibility.
Hello guys :) Need your advice please. Just bought my new M1. Im using Traktor s4 mk3. Until now I connected my controller with the NI original cable (USB A to USB B) to my old pc. Now I want to connect my controller to my Mac, and few questions came up. Should I use any USB B to USB C? or that it has to be something…