Extensive editing of FORMAX formant filter from Reaktor user library.
Is it somehow possible to track a different pitch (than the source signal, which is being formant modulated) or another source signal (an octave lower in the instance) in the detector of analyze module in the FORMAX formant filter from the Reaktor user library? There is the plugin called GForm from the Gvst developer which…
Changing song tempo
Hi, I recently tried to modify Twisted Tools Ultraloop to be able to divide or change the clock while I am using the plugin version of Reaktor since this feature is possible only in the standalone version where you can change the Reaktor bpm, in fact in the vst version by default is not possible to desynchronize Ultraloop…
Best practices to prevent initialization bugs?
I hear initialization bugs can be weird and hard to track down, I also heard someone avoid using the first outlet of the order module to prevent it, does that work? And what are other ways you can prevent it in primary / core? Cheers
What kind of compressor would you put into a delay feedback chain?
I'm doing this with my Eurorack and there are very nice results. Because it avoids the resonance catastrophe at a point where the sounds get very interesting. Normally it is next to impossible to reach an equilibrium by tuning the feedback level, but if there is a self correcting stage inside the feedback there is much…
Export/record MIDI from Reaktor ENS (Aerobic etc)
I have searched but no luck finding anything yet so maybe, sadly, this can't be done? I want to record MIDI from some of Reaktor's grooveboxes etc, like Aerobic, so I can feed other VST's with the pattern. Is this not possible?
Twisted Tools Ultraloop modification
Hi :) I am quite new in the world of primary building. I would like to modify Ultraloop to be able to change the tempo of the sequence, because you can do this only using it in Reaktor standalone, not as a vst. Should be easy but I can not find a solution by myself. I hope someone can help me. Thanks
Question about knob with custom image
Hi, I was trying to create a knob with custom image, but Reaktor seems 'shift' the images between frames and create unwanted movement. See the attached 'ui.png' and notice the thickness of the top black border. The used button image is 80 x 800, and to my understanding this will create 10 80 x 80 images. I have created the…
interesting (for me) find in a cpu consumption test ens
wanted to get some feedback about a test ens. My personal preference with building in core is to use as few "code" as possible. It enhances the readability a lot for me. But of course routing and latching helps a lot with reducing the number of computations. The question when to use routing can't be answered easily, that…
How to discover the size of my Reaktor Synth
Hi, as I was trying to create an image for my Reaktor synth, I coudn't figure it out the measurements of the synth I was creating using primary, I've tried to screenshot and place it on photoshop to select it and find the width and height, but when I try to use it as my background, the size doesn't match, I was hoping…
polyphony cpu considerations
Hi! Say you want to have 6 of the same monophonic synths of medium to heavy cpu use each having: 2 oscs 2 filter 4 env/lfo 1 sequencer 2 delays (yes, I want each of the 6 to have 2 delays) A LOT of vcas, modulation operators etc. now, the somewhat special thing is that there is one global voice that is exactly the same…
Is there a bug in the Reaktor User Library 'search' functionality?
Whenever there is a space in my search criteria, it is replaced with the numbers '20'. I'm sure this is related to HTML URL Encoding and the percent sign is getting lost... But unfortunately, that '20' is actually being used by the search algo!! How do I know? Well... a bunch of results with '20' are returned! Here's an…
A text-based instrument and ensemble language for better AI assistance
The visual programming interface for Reaktor is both its greatest strength and greatest weakness. I'd like to start a discussion about a feature request: adding a text-based language and file format as well. This would exist in parallel to the visual interface. Users could decide how they want to view and edit in Reaktor.…
Simulating a moving sound source perceived by a listener on a 2d plane.
I want to simulate a basic moving sound source and a ‘microphone’ on a 2-dimensional Cartesian plane. The plane will range from, say, -10 to 10 on both axes, and the sound source/listener will both be somewhere along those lines. Then I want to be able to calculate the perceived amplitude and Doppler effect when the sound…
[Physical modeling] Can the Banded Waveguide method be suitable for resonators like…
Hello. I am experienced in physical modeling synthesis using methods such as digital waveguides, resonant bandpass filters and waveshaping. My ensemble Whirlyrhodes is an emulation of a Wurlitzer electric piano, Whirlyrhodes uses almost exclusively modal. I am taking an interest in Banded Waveguide synthesis, which kind of…
Please help me to improve LIMELITE!
I like working with limitations and LIMELITE is perfect for the kind of music I am making these days. Despite the ensemble being absolutely great I would like to introduce a couple of improvements. Specifically: 2 sends for each instrument: one for the XFX module and one for the Delay. I would also like to have an extra…