Custom ensemble - help with bug in vocal pitch shifter macro involving beat loop and event table?
Hi!! I recently built my first ever synth for a uni assignment but I'm having 2 issues with the vocal pitch shifter part of it. I can make a track in Logic (also tried Ableton - same result), adjust all the pitch shifting perfectly, no problem. However, when I save the ensemble and the Logic project, then close and reopen…
Issue/Bug with MIDI input modules
This is an issue that has continued to plague me for some time now. It was not present in 6.4.0, but appeared in one of the updates since then. I am encountering it on 3 different laptops: 2023 M2 MacBook pro, running Ventura 13.4 and Reaktor 6.5.0 2018 i7 Macbook pro, running Catalina and Reaktor 6.5.0 2015 i5 Macbook…
Sinebank Per-partial decay, like in the modal bank
Hey guys, I have another question. Is it possible to create a different volume decay time for each partial I use in a sine bank? I noticed this was a built-in feature within the modal bank. Same setup as my last question 😅 The wavecycle module just has an option for square wave vs saw wave, saw is using the reciprocal…
Is it resaonable to put formant filter inside comb filter internal loop ?
Is it resaonable to put formant filter (like the one found in ADSR Salamander's Anagram XY formant matrix tutorial) inside comb filter (from core's filter library) internal loop ? I presume that this operation needs comb's filter internal SR decrease to the lowest possible like 22k, right? And still would cause processor…
Making overdrive effects in Reaktor
I'm looking for info / tips for making good-sounding overdrive and saturation effects in Reaktor. Happy to read non-Reaktor based stuff but I'm not looking for university-level theory! Just some ideas about good transformations to try, maybe using EQ or filters pre and post the effect, oversampling etc to avoid aliasing.…
How to convert 0-1 into a radian scale?
I'm working with the ezfft vec to pol module and it sasy that the phase is measured in a radian scale, I'm not really familiar with this terminology and a couple of google searches came up with some information regarding it being a radius based measurment scale where phase alignment is calculated in 0-360 degrees. Doesn't…
Reaktor Core Envelope with Wait (WAHDSR)
Hello guys, I am trying to implement a special Wait/Attack/Hold/Decay/Release envelope in CORE. This version Wait/Attack/Decay/Release envelope is working fine: But as soon as I try to get the Hold in the env does weird things like looping etc. Would be great if you can help me out. Thanks in advance 😊
delay with clearable buffer
Hello, I'm writing this message because I need to build a delay Macro that would work exactly like the "Single Delay" Primary Module when used for audio echo (with High Quality Interpolation), but with the ability to clear the buffer at any time. I've tried to figure out several Ensembles with such capability, built in…
Reaktor Core Signal Switch and CPU
Hello friends, please forgive me if this is an already answered question but I could not find a good solution. I am building all my new Reaktor stuff in Core, but have not found a good replacement for the switch component from Primary. I tried with the core macro Ctl Relay: But my patch still uses CPU in Core when switched…
Dumb context menu in Structure View
I'm a newbie to Reaktor. I can make various racks work, however, I cannot insert basic modules since the context menu in Structure View is dumb (Swap Panes / Close Panes / Save Rack As ..) and not like in "REAKTOR 6 Building in Primary" in paragraph 2.1.1 Using the Context Menu. What is wrong?
Is there a way to get Reaktor to output a value into Maschine UI?
I am trying to make a Compressor Gain Reduction level readout show up in Maschine UI. I was thinking that easiest way to do this obviously would be to just make a knob, map Maschine UI to it, and then to be able to send a number value to set the knobs' value.. however this doesn't seem to be possible! AFAIK, none of the…
Am I missing something? [Audio phase modulation]
Planning to create an audio phase-modulation effect. This is different from a delay effect, in which the delay is in absolute time and the phase mod is in relative time. Like this plugin, from the creators of setBfree and Whirl But I am struggling to determine the wavelength/time shifting amount from a signal alone. Say, a…
Troubles re-writing an Audio Table with an Iterator
Hello, first time poster, new to Reaktor. I have an oscillator driving an audio table that has been drawn into. I have a button that triggers an iterator. This is set up to switch the audio table to get it's RX from the iterator (instead of the oscillator), as long as the iterator is running. The intention is to invert the…
Who knows the most about the sine bank? (Additive Synth issue)
I'm working on a new additive synth and I'm using the sine bank module, it is a system where there are multiple selectable harmonic modifiers. Most of them work great, but one of them is giving me an issue, it's called the stack module. whenever I activate or deactivate this module is causes an issue with the harmonic…
Is there a way to receive the tempo directly
Can Reaktor receive the tempo info from a daw?