Extensive editing of FORMAX formant filter from Reaktor user library.

StarRats Member Posts: 18 Member
edited October 2024 in Building With Reaktor

Is it somehow possible to track a different pitch (than the source signal, which is being formant modulated) or another source signal (an octave lower in the instance) in the detector of analyze module in the FORMAX formant filter from the Reaktor user library? 

There is the plugin called GForm from the Gvst developer which allows us to track the pitch by setting the frequency range, if set for a low value like 130Hz we get the desired hoarse male voice when modulating formant with it. I dream about getting the same result from Formax with a technique mentioned earlier. 

Another issue is the grain module count in the processing module. I wonder if duplicating the grain module from the default 4 copies to 8 in the instance would increase processing resolution and detail of formant modulation?


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