Problems re-installing Tim Exiles The Mouth to Reaktor after laptop reset
Hi, im having issues installing Tim Exiles amazing plug in The Mouth back into Reaktor (in Logic x). After several attempts and it seeming to appear installed I get a message on reaktor saying that there are no instruments/applications installed? Can anybody please help …….or are the gods telling me to move on to a…
I hope NI treats Reaktor like they treat Guitar Rigs
Every time I see Komplete updating, I don't see any changes in Reaktor. To be honest, I feel heartbroken, but I can see Guitar Rig. A software that has been up and down for so many years has been reupdated. So why can't Reaktor.
reaktor blocks download
Hello, I am wondering about downloading blocks ens… for Reaktor without the default presets ? Thank you.
All of Komplete 13 not working anymore
Hi, when I load my VSTIs in my Daw (Battery 4, Kontakt 6, Reaktor 6), since last Native Access i'd say, all my software is demo mode. When I activate, it opens NA2 and nothing happens. In NA2, none of the kontakt instruments I bought are available, reaktor and battery also absent. I re-input my serial numbers but still…
Reaktor building, bipolar/unipolar LFOs
Hi there, i am trying to create a switch to make the LFO bipolar/unipolar. i have checked about this topic online but i could not find anything that helped, maybe because is very specific to my synth. I'll show what is my situation: I have this LFO sending with "IC send" in to a output matrix macro(Next) the "IC receiver"…
How do i fix this? Installation failed
I was very vague in my first post and question, so let me fix that I use a MacBook Pro 13, M1 version of Native instrument and Reaktor 6 is in the app, but I cannot update or reinstall it. Reaktor is a standalone, and also demo version. This is what the error message looks like, I am planning on contacting support later…
Native Access issues after update
Hi everyone, My NA updated automatically only to then show I had lost all of my Kontakt instruments (I have Komplete Kontrol collectors), to the point where they don't even show up in NA as options. Meanwhile most of the Reaktor ones show up as "demo". I entered the serial number and nothing. I don't quite understand how…
NI Reaktor plugin crashes MainStage
I've been using the NI Reaktor plugin (6.3.0 [R30]) for several years, but one day MainStage crashes while load concert I tried running this concert on another machine with the same version of this plugin, but the result is the same. I get an crash report. Maybe the reason is indicated here?
Groovebox to SFZ sampler and back?
Hi everyone, I'm intrigued by the SFZ sample instrument format, which—as just a simple text file—can be generated programmatically without needing to manual drag and drop samples onto the Reaktor GUI. I also like how grooveboxes incorporate sequencing, sample playback, and effects into a single convenient interface. I was…
How to gate an audio signal in Core?
Hi Reaktor Builders, I have successfully figured out how to gate an audio signal after it leaves the core cell and before it goes to the output (to the sound card). But I cannot find an example or anything in the Core Manuals that describes how to gate an audio signal inside a core cell. I want to be able to use an ADSR…
Komplete kontrol NKS macro parameter names not visible
Hello! I'm a bit new to this ecosystem so apologies if this has been asked. I searched but couldn't find anything. I've made my own preset of a Reaktor ensemble (Melted Sounds Whoosh), following this guide (linked below). I am trying to re-arrange some of the macros, however they do not show up in the list. Macro names do…
Reaktor 6: poor performance under Apple Silicon
Hi, What could I possibly say? Reaktor 6's performance under macOS Sonoma on a brandnew Macbook Air M3 is downright abysmal. Worst performance of anything I used on that machine now. And fwiw: It performs quite a lot better (!) on my 2010 2x2.66GHz Mac Pro running Mojave. In pretty much all typical DAW scenarios, the…
Akkord ?
Was looking for Akkord ensemble and looking in my sound bank all I find is this, never knew I had this instrument , "what is it ?" ok thanks !
How to calculate delay/phase caused by filters and other modules.
Probably I just don't know the correct search term. I have been making some distortion and saturation effects which include filters in the signal chain. I want to have a wet/dry mix just before the output but the wet signal is of course out of phase with the dry signal so I get unwanted cancellation. How can I calculate…
How do you recursively call a macro?
I'm a newbie at reaktor (though I'm an experienced programmer). I'm trying to build a samchillian, and I'm most of the way there, but I'm stuck on what I hope is something simple. In case you don't know what a samchillian is, it's a remapping of the keyboard, so that each key doesn't represent an absolute midi value, but…