Commercial Reaktor designers list.
I'd like us to be able to list professional designers together. Share your links. Self-promotion is allowed. So that we can build up a small database. I'll try to update this post with your links. I'll do my best to update this post with your links. And i start with two websites. Reaktor professional designers list : P.-S.…
Reaktor Users Online Meeting
The idea just came to me. So I'm hurrying to write this post before I tell myself it's bad, or that there's no way I'm going to deal with it. Would any Reaktor users be up for a videoconference meeting? I've organized this kind of event before and tested the following format. Those who want to present something, a project,…
Why doesn't Reaktor see my instruments?
I have installed the Silicone Native Access many times, my reaktor instruments doesn't appear. It says I have to open Native Acces but it drives me to an infinite loop… (last time i've installed Intel version but it gives the same)
Internal midi won't trigger any internal synthezisers
Hello, I have just bought the Reaktor. I create an essemble that contains Spiral and Carbon. In the "connect" of Carbon I put internal midi in as Spiral. Spiral is running. No triggering occurs. White midi light blinks though. If I connect external midi source instead, it works properly. I have tried all combinations of…
SLOW and FLOWs by Tim Exile
Is there any chance to get them or someone out there that would share them. They where free so i guess it's okay to ask.
Help me find this great REMOVED block!
hello all. i'm desperately try find a single reaktor block that seems to not exist in the user library anymore. i am 99% sure it was uploaded by the Fluorine block creator because it very much looked like it aesthetically. it may be called something like Sinusoid or Sinusoidal or Sincos or Cosine and i vaguely remember it…
Reaktor 6: How do I debug Metaphysical Function
The ensemble Metaphysical Function is great for generative soundscapes. But after I’ve upgraded to Reaktor 6 I get repeated warnings (see picture). Is there any way of fixing the ensemble? Or is there a similar one without bugs?
Razor: Unlimited partials ?
Hello ! I saw a video from the youtuber/artist AU5: it shows that he can change the behavior of the synth RAZOR, but you need to be a reaktor full version user... Can you make an update for a choice of RAZOR version between the normal/legacy and a version with unlimited partials and a prevent for high consumption of cpu…
Newbie question about "Util Note In" in Reaktor blocks
Hello dear community, I have a question. I just started working with Reaktor blocks and I have this issue: I can't get any response from either my computer keyboard or a an external controller (nanopad2) in the "Util note in" module. Meaning neither seems to send trigs to the note in module (or maybe it's doesn't receive…
NI Reaktor - Is there an abstract way to let voices interact?
Hi, I would like to "abuse" the polyphony to easily set the number of certain repetitive elements in my building project, much like it is done for the classic vocoder that was part of the Reaktor 5 factory library. However, I would like to get some interaction between the voices. For example, I want all even voices to…
Reaktor 6.5 not available in Native Access
Is NI requiring V.6.4 Reaktor users to pay to upgrade to 6.5? Not seeing anything on Native Access to indicate this. I ask bc I just downloaded V.2.2 of a sweet JP8K emulation off the User area and it errors that the .ens I'm trying to open was created with a newer version of Reaktor.
Reaktor 6.5 - MAJOR Bug
Hello. I know it's been about a year since Reaktor was last updated. However. this update has been nearly impossible to patch nodes together with on three separate computers. Does anyone have a fix for this? I have multiple paid ensembles that I can't currently use because they were made in 6.5. Thanks
Special Discount
it is not possible to write a simple question to the support so i try here. I just wanted to know if it is possible to get a special discount for all Reaktor devices because I bought some product separately… that world be nice and fair.
Using Molekular in Reaktor 6 Player?
Hi everyone, I've just got Molekular and I wonder if I can run it with no issue in Reaktor 6 Player (free version of Reaktor). I wonder whether I should also purchase Reaktor itself. Would I have any limitations running it in the player? Haven't tried it, yet. I still need to discover both of them. Thanks in advance.
Can I get the latest version of Reaktor 6 without updating native access.
Seems to be problems with the latest native access. I'd like to get Reaktkor 6.5. Is there a way to use the older native access to get it. I think I have Reaktor 6.473 or something. tia