Reaktor X - Transform Reaktor into Native Instruments flagship Product/DAW
Please reconsider Reaktor as something you could re-launch as a fully featured DAW when used in Standalone mode whose full capabilities/potential would be unlocked if the following features were added:- VST hosting: In rack/panel mode, VSTs appear as they do with their UI but they can be collapsed to a small rectangle with…
Old Reaktor ensembles on 4K resolution
Is there any chance for Reaktor to display older ensembles in larger size? Currently it is very painful to the eye to use them on a 43 inch 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) display, they are sooo small! The current Massive update with resizable UI is a great help, even if it does not resize the graphics… I do not care, it became…
[UGC] Super 8 Reaktor users rejoice! All Super 8 R2 (VST) presets are here!
I've decided to take the time and meticulously "convert" all missing 201 Super 8 R2 (VST) presets to its Reaktor counterpart... by recreating them from scratch 🥴 But instead of keeping them for myself, I want to share them here. Wave 3 is now available and consists of the presets below. This final release marks the end of…
Exponential FM synthesis
Hello all! A thought occurred to me that frequency modulation should control frequency like we control pitch, that is, exponentially with base 2, and not linearly. Linear control of frequency seem unnatural to me as frequency perception is not linear at all. The usual equation for FM is x(t) = Aₐ sin(2πfₐt + I sin(2πfₘt))…
Maschine 3 and FL Studio workflow problem
Dear community, I am trying to solve my issue with a workflow between Maschine 3 and FL Studio 24. To utilize both worlds I am building a beat or some melody in Maschine and using MIDI dragger option I am moving the pattern to FL Studio. In FL I have the same one shots or instruments pulled. Unfortunately when I am doing…
Routing a few rachMiel ens?
I've been exploring the ens files of rachMiel or Rick Scott and find them super enjoyable! Two have the same issue, the 'Send To' options that open seem to just be internal parameters, anyway just trying this and that I've not yet found how to use. I attach a pic. this:…
NKS Compatible Reaktor ensembles
Sunborn has started to post some tutorials on prepping Reaktor ensembles for use in Komplete Kontrol but there are also quite a few ensembles already made compatible. These include most by myself or Sunborn. Also pretty much by everything by Goremall has been very expertly made compatible with NKS. And I worked with the…
How do I install the Razor demo in Reaktor 6? The download is an ISO file. Thanks.
I used the email download link for the demo and the download is an ISO file. Tried mounting it in Windows and I get an error.
Reaktor Tips & Tricks from the old forum
The idea is to dig-out valuable information from the old forum and post them again here, so they will be preserved. Here is the link to the Web Archives, so... lets dig! Necessary Rule: You should post the name of the person who provided the tip that you re-post here, at the end of your comment, "posted by John", or…
It appears you have no Reaktor instruments installed
it is probably a problem of assigning the correct directors. any help you can give is welcome 😎
Maschine+ and Reaktor 6 current version
Hi all, been away from here and the M+ for a while and have recently started coming back to after discovering the NKS collection of Boscomac devices. Such inspiring devices! So I decided to try out Crude from the RUL that was already NKS ready, but did not get any mapping of controls or pages in Maschine. I figure I would…
Can't get the latest version of Reaktor?
I just downloaded Tim Exile's spaceshift and tried to get the latest version of reaktor to use it, however I seem to be stuck at version 6.4.3 when spaceshift says it needs 6.5.0. I have no available updates in Native Access. What am I doing wrong?
Can i port reaktor instruments to vst? if so, how?
Hi, guys I was wondering if there was a way to port a reaktor instrument i made into vst3 format. I know Max has an extension for this called RNBO, but I'm much more comfortable using Reaktor's node system. I appreciate any help.
Upgraded Reaktor from 5 to 6, AAX plugin not showing up in Pro Tools
I've had Reaktor 5 for a long time (from a very old Komplete bundle), but I decided with the sale to upgrade it to Reaktor 6. I bought the upgrade, opened Native Access, and it installed 'Reaktor 6 Application'. If I look in my Plug-Ins folder for Avid, 'Reaktor 6.aaxplugin' is there, right about the 'Reaktor5.aaxplugin'…