reaktor 6 not installing.
Hi, i'm trying to install reaktor 6 bt doesn't work. I've also granted NI and NTK Daemon full disk access but still doesn't work. need it for an assignment i would really apreciate any help. Thanks.
I want to add more partials to Razor synth
But i need reaktor 6 for this - if i update to reaktor 6 would i be able to access the engine of reaktor to do this. in reaktor 5 its not possible.
Reaktor 6 installation failure in Native Access
Hi, I searched for this topic and it has popped up before, but I haven't found a solution to my problem as of yet. I recently bought NI Super 8 and apparently I need to run it in Reaktor in order to be able to use it. I have around 20 free and bought VSTs from NI and all of them have installed nicely so far except for…
[Bug Report] Reaktor controls "set to default": Value does not change in the plugin host
Problem: When you map a Reaktor knob or fader to a control in a host program like Ableton 12 or Maschine 3.0, both control move in tandem. When you move the knob in Reaktor, the value changes in the host, and when you move the control in the host, it changes in Reaktor. So far so good. When you double click the control in…
How can I install deleted Reaktor 6 and Monark?
Hello, Five months ago, I uninstalled Reaktor 6 and Monark via Windows settings, and now I'm encountering multiple issues: My Reaktor 6 Player has switched to DEMO mode, even though I originally had the full version. In Native Access 2, both Reaktor Factory Selection R2 (1.01) and Monark (1.3.1) are marked as installed,…
FX chain
Hello… I am trying to replicate the functionally (not sound) of an old synth from the 90's in REAKTOR. It's effects were separated into 3 busses. A layer could either be routed to BUS1, BUS2, or BUS3. If the layer was routed to BUS 1, then there would be mix amounts as to how much of BUS2 and BUS 3 you wanted. If the layer…
Reaktor has only few synths and no paths
hi, I’ve bought komplete keyboard, and Reaktor is with it, but , I only have a few synths and no paths, do I need to buy the paths ? I’ve seen it’s £189 but I’ve also seen it’s free? Thanks
Maschine + ready reaktor synthesizer beta test
Hello, Maschine plus don't officilly support user reaktor instrument but on 1/10/2024 i will release ,on the Reaktor user library ,a beta test version of a reaktor synthesizer i made for the Maschine plus standalone. This beta version is monophonic because Maschine plus have some difficulties to handle correctly polyphony.…
How to get the SteamPipe2 Arpeggiator to start on bottom note when ascending
It seems the arpeggiator can sometimes start on the top note or bottom note randomly - theres no rhyme or reason to which note it starts on How can i guarantee it starts on the bass note each time or have some more control? Currently sounds like this https://soundcloud.com/krisjwilliams/the-last-sect-6b-flute-1648b
Reaktor 6 presets defaulting
I looked to see if I could find this anywhere, but no one seems to have this problem. Problem: Whenever I try to use a Reaktor instrument in Reaper, I load the preset I want, but during playback it changes the preset to one I don't want. For example, I want to use the 'Pinto' preset on Mikro Prism, but it always changes to…
Resonant body, poly or mono?
I am making a basic karplus strong instrument . Three delay lines for the strings ( poly ) and 6 parallel comb filters for the resonant body . I am deciding if the resoant body should be set to poly or rather mono as an effect . Mono Or poly ?
Is there a way for one midi patch to recall 2 chosen patches in a 2 instrument ensemble.
I have two instruments in one ensemble, actually one is the instrument and the other is an effect. As it stands I can only select the same snap on both from a midi patch select. Is there a way to save combinations of the 2 so I can as an example recall patch 1 on the instrument and say patch 10 on the other. Or perhaps…
Native Access still thinks Reaktor 6 is Installed and Won't Reset - Mac
Hi guys, Having an issue that is really annoying me as typically things run smoothly with music products for me. Firstly, I had installed reaktor 6 and it was showing up in demo mode, which is super weird considering I had bought a crossgrade license which I can see in my account page. Therefore I figured I should go and…
Reaktor 6 Crashes Upon Launch After Reinstalling?
Would anyone here be willing to help me please? I'm not sure what to do. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. About a week ago, I accidentally uninstalled Reaktor 6 in Windows, in the uninstall a program settings, which was a big mistake. I own Kontact Komplete 13 and later bought Komplete 14 Standard so…
Polyplex Output Routing
Hi, I realize this is a slightly older, but just wondering, is anyone aware of a way to route FX channels in Polyplex? I am able to see routing for individual one shots.