Question about how Skrewell ensemble works

zangpa Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited January 13 in Building With Reaktor

I've used the last week trying to reproduce Reaktors Skrewell ensemble in Max (Cycling74). A bit of work, but has until now gone pretty well. That was until i discovered a strange phenomenon with the skrewell ensemble that I can not reproduce in Max at all.

Turning the Flow dial in the ensemble, often produce chaotic behavior. This doesn't happen in Max. After testing what flow actually change, i found out that it often is the Resonance parameter for the 2-pole filter in the feedback loop that is the main cause of the chaos. When you turn the resonance DOWN the sound explodes. This is not how i expected the filter to behave, and not how it works in Max.

Anyone have an idea why this happens? Would be highly appreciated!!

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