Serial number activation for Komplete Audio 2 gives error
I bought the Komplete Audio 2 (+ Komplete 14 Select), but I am (or Native Access is rather) having issues with adding the serial number. Ive tried it on both my pc and laptop, and on old and new version of NA. Does not help. Could I please get support for resolving this?
crashing almost all native plugins Musik Maker
native pluginsUnfortunately, Kontroll keeps crashing on almost all native plugins when I open a project in Music Maker 14 on Windows 11. Since the windows 11 update, the problem is.
Native Access suddenly thinks I have no products.
All of the sudden, out of nowhere, in the middle of a project, Native Access suddenly shows no products in my account. It says "Oops... Looks like nothing comes up for "" " There is nothing available on line in terms of resolving this issue. Does anyone know what could possible have changed all of the sudden?
Volume fluctuations
What is wrong with the Traktor-Software? I have volume fluctuations in individual songs, which play fine in apple or spotify. At the moment there are many songs I can´t play. I´ve done all updates in windows and native instruments and contacted native instruments for help, but they just answered, the team is working on…
Native Access Maschine 1.5
I have an old maschine. manual says 1.5. I do not have the sw disc any longer and am trying to see if the maschine sw is still available. I have komplete 8 which i just d/l again via native access with no issues. My maschine sw is not showing up within native access so i cant d/l. My question is the SW for my maschine…
Logout/Login issues and Native Access malfunctions
Hey all, On May 8th or May 9th, some of you may have noticed your Native Access malfunctioning. We tried to upgrade our backend systems to improve security, but it led to exposing a tech issue where we did not redirect you to the login screen when your session expired. We have plans to try again, which is largely what this…
Serial not working
Brought a brand new maschine mk3 through NI about a week ago. It turned up today but the serial doesn't work 'an error occured while processing your serial'. Really frustrating that it doesn't work out of the box. Will problems like this keep happening with native access? Not off to a good start with my NI experience...
Can't use Native Access due to recent update
Are there legacy installs of Native Access? I have OS catalina 10 on my iMac and the new Native Access requires 11 or higher.
Error occurred while processing your serial
Hello to the community, This morning I received the "Maschine Mk3" I’ve ordered and when I try to add serial via Native Access it fails telling me "an error occurred while processing your serial" with only a link to refer at all checking you automatically do before looking for help I created a ticket, I suppose in the…
The product registered without my authorization.
Hello everyone, I made a mistake this week by purchasing Komplete 14 standard when I already had an upgrade purchased last spring. I've been taking tickets through support for a week and sending cancellation letters but I haven't had any feedback... Furthermore, this morning the product registered directly even though I…
Native access keeps asking for activation
Cubase Artist 10.5 , after update, effects and compressors and probably other plugins keep prompting me to activate every time I open them, even after saving the project when I open it again all compressors and effects behave like they've been just opened, losing the stored setup of the track... it's a mess right now,…
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!?? Update of NI Access instruments doesn't work in Studio One 6
After an update of NI Access and the instruments, nothing of my old work with Kontakt works anymore. Adding a new track works. See the error message in image 1. All my sounds/vst are on my d-drive. Once I got the error, the first thing I looked for, was if you had changed the paths. The Application path points to my…
Mac OS 13.3.1 Final Cut Pro freezes on startup during Audio Unit Validation
Less of a question, and more of a work around/fix if you've updated to Mac OS 13.3, use Final Cut Pro, and also have Native Instrument plugins installed. I currently have both an iMac Pro (Intel processor/2017) and a new 16" MacBook Pro with M2 Max processor, and both were updated to 13.3.1. Took me forever to figure this…
How Does A Customer Get Help With NI
Hello. I have a problem with a purchase I made. I need to speak with someone in customer support or tech support. There is no telephone number to call. There is no chat help. There is a Help Wizard, which was unable to assist with my problem. How does one access help at NI? Thanks.
Cannot Repair my Shreddage 3 Hydra installation
Hi, I have a problem with my Shreddage 3 Hydra in that it cannot load the instrument. I have checked on the Native Access application and it asks me to repair but then I cannot locate the directory as it no longer exists. It should be in Z:\Sample Library\Shreddage 3 Hydra but that folder no longer exists due to a SSD…