Need Help with HY-RPE2 Euclidean Sequencer Plugin, Willing to Pay for Support Call
Hello everyone, I've recently been trying to use the HiRPE2 Euclidean Sequencer Plugin in Maschine. The plugin loads, and the desktop interface looks fine, but it produces no sound. I've experimented with various MIDI routing settings, but I'm unsure if I've got everything configured correctly. It seems that any patterns…
Duplicate user Library on Maschine Plus
Hey all. I have troubles with loading in my user library on Maschine (SOFTWARE). I am running the new MacBook Pros (M1 Pro variant) and macOS Monterey. I have the Maschine Plus device, but I am running it with the software in controller mode. In the BROWSER, when trying to select a sound from my user library (ONE-SHOTS) -…
Where can I find Maschine 2 v2.17.4?
Where can I find installers for previous software versions as opposed to legacy OS versions? I would like to backup all of my current installers for compatibility. Any insight would be appreciated.
Copying my Factory Library to my User Library- Pros and Cons
I never got on with the dualistic nature of the Factory/User structure with NI so I read here (thanks @D-One) that you can simply copy and paste all that's listed in the Factory Library to the Documents/Native Instruments/Maschine/Plugins location... and it works! Pros: 1. unified search 2. no jumping between Factory and…
IDK why my maschine mk3 cannot play loops and keep working bottons like "Events"
Hi, guys. I bought on second hand a Maschine MK3, the installation software worked correctly and set up went correctly too. The problem appears when I try to rec some patterns. The lights goes correct but I cannot rec, play and leds don't run as a pattern loop. I searched a lot of videos and documents on YT and Internet,…
Compatibility between Maschine 2 and the S61 MK3 keyboard
Hi, In the advertisement of the S61 MK3 keyboard we can read : "Integration with major software sequencers, you can concentrate on your game without having to look at your computer screen. Starts and stops recording, goes back using the dedicated keys; mix and edit your music, and view all the tracks in your project on…
Komplete Kontrol showing duplicate presets in browser. HELP!
Hey all, I am on a M1 Monterey 12.6 running Komplete Kontrol 2.7.2 It is showing duplicate (sometimes quadruple) presets in browser. When I click on either of the duplicate presets, they both will work and load the instrument successfully. When I right click on both the presets to do "Find in Folder", they both open to the…
Multiple lock states in machine mikro mk3
Hi it is possible to have multiple lock states in machine mikro MK3?
Library slow loading
Hello, i bought a seagate extern hard disk 4tb for install all library there but now when i start maschine 2 the library do slow loading for 30 min i'ts normal? i don't would the hard disk it's difected or maybe it's somenthig more of my pc
Delay on Soothe2
Hi everyone, I am mixing my new track on Maschine2 and I wanted to try Soothe 2 on my mix. When i add the plugin on the bus or on the insturment it occurs a delay on that specific group or insturment. Is there any way to eliminate delay?
Has anyone been able to use S-Gear 2 within Maschine 2 Software?
Hi, I have been attempting to use S-Gear in Maschine 2; however, the sound comes through as digital. Another way to describe it is that it sounds as if the sample rate is not locking in or the buffer size is too small. I have checked to ensure the sample rate is 44.1 on my interface and within the software. Using my RME UC…
Komplete Kontrol M32 works everything except keys on Maschine 2. HELP!!
Hi guys, I just bought a Komplete Kontrol M32 today and when I install everything and run Maschine 2 It works every knob and buttons except keys. I just checked on NI Support common troubleshooting but nothing works. Any one have any Idea or it could be broken and I have to return it? I am quite desperate... Thanks in…
TATAT - K-Device on mashine
Hello I did buy TATAT but I can't set it up in maschine 2. Has Could you help me, I can't get TATAT to send the midi signal to an instrument. In Maschine 2 Thank you!
What does the "link" button does?
IN the Maschine 2 Software was at the top of the programm a Link-Button. What does it make?
Can I use the Maschine Jam with the Maschine2 SW?
... why I can't buy the Mschine Jam?