Maschine Ideas: Pattern Editor & Sequencer

Kai_NI Product Team Posts: 60 mod
edited June 2024 in Maschine

Hey all,

Thank you for your patience while we took some time to start going through all your comments and sorting and filtering them. Today - as a starter - I would like to share the first results with you.

We have started our review with the “Sequencer & Pattern Editor” section, which had the overall largest amount of upvotes in total.

So far, we identified a couple of recurring themes and requests that were mentioned more frequently than others. You will find them broken down into individual requests as part of this new idea section 👇

Please continue upvoting the features you would benefit from the most and comments/feedback from other users you align with. 

If something you had asked for, or suggested is not here (yet), don’t worry, this may be the case for one of the following reasons:

  • Your comment has been assigned to a different feature area (for technical or functional reasons) and will appear there in due time
  • Your suggestion does already exist but we need to do a better job at helping you to find and use the feature
  • Your suggestion requires a large amount of other features to be built first and we need to enable those prerequisites before we can consider your idea
  • Your comment/suggestion did not receive as many upvotes as others.

We will continue to cover the other themes and add new areas with features to upvote in our “SHARE IDEAS FOR MASCHINE” area, so that you can continue to comment and vote on as time progresses. This is just the beginning.

Thank you all for your ongoing support!


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