Trying to play a Maschine drum kit with A61 keyboard via Komplete Kontrol software
I'm a complete beginner, so sorry if this is an obvious question! I have just bought a Komplete Kontrol A61 keyboard and the basic software that comes with it. In particular, I have the Maschine Factory Selection Sounds. In the Maschine 2 software, I can load a Maschine kit and spread the different drums out on the A61's…
Loading Audio Units in Maschine
Hi, I only have AU plugins since I generally work in logic. This is with almost every instrument. Battery, Empire breaks, Duets etc. Basically any library I try and load, I cannot. I deleted the VST files because they take up space and I use only AU files. I can load groups just fine etc.... Just instruments do not want to…
Is there an education license available for schools that teach electronic music?
My college just started a new electronic music course, and I am trying to promote the Native Instruments platform at mt school. Nobody really even knows about their platform, because they are being wrote off as simply sampling software for sounds. We us free DAW's like Cakewalk, but I am trying to tell them there is…
Expansion artwork missing
Hi, So I bought the Borough Chops expansion, and it works perfectly. However, in the Maschine browser the artwork is missing. I like my stuff tidy, and it kinda bugs me to have this one grey icon in my expansion collection. I tried reinstalling the expansion in NA2, artwork still missing. Then I went to look online on NI…
Maschine Favorite Hearts Disappear Upon Save
My Maschine Favorite Hearts are disappearing when i save the project that i am working on. this is a weird behavior that i've just noticed with the newest Maschine software update (Windows 10). has anyone else experienced this?
How does one backup the user library database (tags etc?)
I recently got maschine and have a habit of reinstalling windows frequently. I've been able to move my library over to an external drive but I fear the next time I reinstall, all the content will be available, just without tags. How can I save the tag database too in my backups?
how can i use a Roland T-8 with Maschine Software
I bought a Roland Aira Compact T-8 and would like to use it with the Maschine software, but I can't get to hear the sound. i hope some can help me
Does anyone else have problems with Cradle plugins in Maschine software?
hey y‘all, I have a problem with the „god particle plugin“ and „the prince“ plugin (both AU and VST3) in Maschine 2. When I put them on a group or sound it crashes the whole software after a few minutes (very often the case). anyone else been having these problems? Already tried running it in Rosetta mode again. Didn’t…
Save custom User presets for Built-in Plugins/Modules.
Sorry for the sarcasm but it is frustrating that the most basic of functionality doesn't work well. I save a Poly Synth Sound. It doesn't ask me where to save it (ok, thats fine) it saves it with all my other sounds in user/documents/native instruments/machine 2/sounds. Great. But now I go to the browser. Sure, it's in my…
Is it possible to load the demo song from a kit?
I wanted to load the demo song a kit plays when selected to see how the pattern looks (if that makes sense) I appreciate any help, Thanks!
Merge clips please!
when working with clips, its frustrating that i cant just merge all my clips within a group into a single clip. Does this frustrate anyone except me? Working with patterns and clips has a few issues, are there plans to update the editing in the future?
Send FX to Xone 96
Hello, I use Maschine 2 and the Maschine MK3 controller for my DJ set-up in conjunction with an Xone 96 mixer. I would like to send a reverb from the software to one of the two send/return channels of the mixer, which would save me the need for an external effects unit. With other DAW's like Ableton this is possible…
AbbeyRoad drum kits: How do I make closed HiHat choke open HiHat?
Hi, I bought Maschine Studio Hardware quite a while ago but I'm still unexperienced with it and so far, the two of us didn't get along very well. Now, I needed a quick and easy drum track for a demo song and I used Maschine for that. Not only to get the job done quickly, but also to get to know Maschine a bit better.…
Appregate devices aren't displaying when changing between audio interfaces.
*MacBook Pro user* Mac OS Sonoma - 14.1.1 Is anyone having trouble with the NI software interfaces not displaying aggregate devices? They appear in both Logic Pro X and Artiura applications so this information lets me know it's something to do with NI.
Sampler Zone Keyrange templates?
It would help the production flow, if I didn't have to re-do the keyboard mapping everytime I start creating a new project. I like to request a custom keyboard mapping template that can be created and set as the default