Maschine 2 Plugin on Serato Studio
Hey, am currently trialing Serato Studio, the sampler has automatic sync tempo key shift and stem mode for audio, with the Maschine 2 plugin it is brilliant!
Anyone having an issue with Komplete Kontrol being choppy on playback?
I made several several beats in FL 20-21 with instruments in Komplete Kontrol and all of them no matter which instrument is playing back choppy notes. They sound almost like blips, imagine like a 1/256 of a note or something playing where you hear something but it just is too short to make sense of. I need help saving the…
Kontakt 7 FX section reactivates whenever project file is reopened
Whenever I load a library in Kontakt 7 that has the interface with an FX button in the upper right corner, and the FX section on its own screen, I am experiencing a bug. If I open a Kontakt Library (Hypha, Band, Choir have all shown this issue) and turn off the FX, and then close and reopen the project (in Studio One Pro…
Audio drops out (Mac + Traktor Pro 3 + Z1)
Hi everyone, I use Traktor Pro with a Kontrol Z1. While playing music the sound frequently skips for a millisecond, as if there is a sound cut. This is very annoying because I can't play live, it's very noticeable. In addition, it prevents me from using Ableton Live 11 in LINK mode because these cuts disable SYNC…
All NI Apps Crashing on MBPro 2021, M1 Max
hi! I‘m really having a lot of trouble since upgrading to M1.. basically all of the NI products don’t work and crash on startup (in standalone mode) or crash the DAW when loading (Ableton, PT, Logic) especially Kontakt, Battery, Reaktor, Guitar Rig… what does work is FM8 and the old version of Massive + all the…
Does Guitar Rig 5 work at all with Logic on Monterey with an M1?
Hi, it's a blatant no, in the shape of an instant crash, standalone or plug-in. Is it a matter of sending off crash logs and giving up or are there any real workarounds? Cheers David
Which software on my Imac Mini M2
Hi, Which software should I use with Imac Mini M2 with MacOS Ventura Version 13.2.1 (22D68)? My hardware is Pioneer DDJT1. Thanks
macOS 13 Ventura compatibility with Traktor Pro
My mac now asks me if I want to upgrade to macOS Ventura since it's been officially released. Is it okay to upgrade regarding Traktor Pro?
Maschine OG on newer Mac OS (Intel Only)
I got it to work in Monterey, but only on an Intel Mac. This probably will work for Ventura, Big Sur, Catalina, etc. Running on Apple Silicon would require source code and recompile. I copied NIUSBMaschineController.kext from old mac to /Library/Extensions Right click NIUSBMaschineController.kext Show package contents Go…
How to connect komplete kontrol keyboard to macbook m1
Okay I can't find an asnwer to this. I just got a MacBook pro with no USB ports and I don't know which adaptor to get in order to plug my kk midi controller. Any advice? I wouldn't want to spend a lot but at the same time I want something that will work well in terms of speed and that 100% won't harm my computer. Thanks!
Maschine MK3 running under Mac OSX10.13?
Hi folks, as I´m waiting for the new 2023 Macpro I´m still using OSX10.13 on my old MacPro (no newer OSX will run there) So here the question: one of you is running Maschine MK3 on OSX10.13...? 😎 Many thanks & cheers Martin
Use Maschine + in Logic - WHAT I'M DOING WRONG??
Hi there, finally I got my Maschine + and played standalone a little bit. I did some projects on it and saved it on my Maschine +. I would now like to process the projects in Logic Pro X. I have built a template as follows: SET UP A THE MASCHINE 2 INSTRUMENT AS MULTI STERO: CREATED 15 CHANNEL: SET EVERY SOUND TO A CHANNEL…
Native Access 2 - Known Issues 🚨
Native Access 2 is officially released today for everyone, here is a list of the most common issues and how to address them: On Windows: #1: Stuck on "Installing Dependencies" In this case, follow the steps of this article: Native Access 2 Freezes on “Installing Dependencies“ at Startup (Windows) #2: Unable to install…
Guitar Rig 6 Mac M1 cpu-load
Hello, comparing GR5 with GR6: the processor load is 1-2% vs 32% just watching it ... I read older Windows related posts. I thought the arm version of GR6 might work more efficiently. Any infos for an update working on that? I'd like to kick/deinstall GR5 but with this it looks like a bad trade ;)
Has the NA2 3.2 update addressed these issues?
Cannot tell for sure from the release notes: "Install All" results in an installer service crash if a subsequent queued installation completes and attempts to refresh while a previous installation is still refreshing (beach ball after installing a product). Happens frequently while batch installing smaller packages (<…