Issue in Traktor Pro 4 - Issue with Audio DJ 8 and Z1
Hello, I am having an issue in Traktor. My current set up is X1 MKII, Z1, and two F1's. When I set my audio device in Traktor Pro 4 as the Audio DJ 8, my Z1 no longer can be used to mix my A & B Decks… I do not understand why this issue is happening. The Z1 is a mixer and audio interface and I should be allowed to use the…
Traktor Pro 4 sync issue with two controllers
We used to run B2B gigs with two guys' controllers hooked up to one laptop (Z1+X2mk2 and S2 mk3). Worked fine on multiple shows. I upgraded to Traktor 4 this summer and we had some sync issues going on last night at a show. Basically what would happen when the other guy starts bringing songs in on his controller, they…
Cannot play music through both my headphones and speakers
Hi, I am having ongoing trouble trying to have both my music playing through my speakers and listening to tracks through my headphones. It only allows me to do one or the other. I believe everything is set up right but I just can't live mix because I can't hear anything through my phones. Have I set it up right?
With the icon column in Browser now cluttered with 'Prep Playlist icon' / 'Stems Icon' etc it's now difficult to see the tick when a song has been played. I tend not to have this column too wide as its takes up space which I better use for some of the other columns. With that in mind, could the stems icon be made smaller,…
Traktor 311.1 17 - - suddenly crash
its happend frequently - i use macpro M3 24gb - macOs sequoia 15.0
STEMs not showing up in right click
Hi, What am I doing wrong here? I don't see any right-click menu item that says anything about generating stems. Thanks. Windows 11, 64GB RAM, TRAKTOR 4.0.2 13, Full License. STEM file director and all other directories are writable.
Traktor cannot find local music library after updates to macOS Seqouia 15.0.1
Hi, I am having a problem with Traktor Pro 4 since upgrading to macOS Sequoia 15.0.1 on my MacBook Air. When I click to refresh music playlists, it is refusing to read the library and showing the following error message: Could not open ITlibrary! Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097”connection to service named…
Quels sont les meilleurs réglages audio pour utiliser Traktor Kontrol S2 MK3 avec traktor pro 3?
Je me demande par exemple si je dois utiliser le limiter. En club la sortie manque de puissance, les ingés son des clubs ont une avis différents. conseillez vous de repasser par un Mixeur analogique en sortie. Quelles sont vos expériences et vos settings ?
Traktor 3.8.0 deck load problem
I guess I found a bug in the new Traktor 3.8.0: After DJing for several hours last night, I couldn't load anymore tracks into my right deck. The "deck locked" warning appeared although the deck wasn't playing. I had to uncheck "Loading only into stopped decks".
TRAKTOR AUDIO 6 is discontinued. When will there be a replacement?
When will Native Instruments address/ start manufacturing more Traktor Audio 6's or something similar for Vinyl users? They are nearly impossible to find, and a lot of the websites claiming they have them are straight up scams. Is there any alternative interfaces besides the Audio 6?
Traktor Pro 4 from Traktor
Hi. I have a fully licenced version of Traktor Pro. I'd like to upgrade to Traktor Pro 4, but just rtying to work out whether I need to purchase the whole new version at £129 or whether I can upgrade the current version I have (whether this would qualify as the 'Update for Traktor Pro 1/2' Any help much appreciated. Thanks
Compatibility Traktor pro 4 and EVOLUTION U-CONTROL UC-33e
Hi, I have several problems with the driving between my new Traktor pro 4 and my controller UC33e (EVOLUTION). The loads make bugs, the assignations are impossible or difficult, Traktor bugs when I connect my UC33e. How can I resolve those problems please?
Upgraded to Traktor Pro 3.11- CRASHED during set
Want to report that I upgraded to Tractor Pro 3.11 this week, and unfortunately this latest version crashed during a live set on my MacBook (2021 M1 Max 14inch-MacOS Ventura 13.6.3.) tonight. I was using internal mode playing through the Traktor Audio 6 interface on a Pioneer XDJ-XZ as the XDJ is not natively compatible…
Can you delete old Traktor folders without the current version of Traktor crashing?
Greetings everyone, have been using Traktor for I wanna say 15 years…currently on version 3.11.1. Recently saw that it clogs up a LOT of memory (easily 90GB in total) on my hd. Can I delete the old Traktor folders without Traktor stopping working? Thanks in advance :)
List of instruments that work with a free software voucher?
I recently got a voucher for any NI instrument under $499, however, every instrument I've tried to apply it to says it's not useable for that. I already have Kontakt Komplete 14 Ultimate. After my 5th or 6th time playing voucher roulette, it would be nice to be able to filter out incompatible items instead of guessing.…
Issues with Traktor Pro 2 and S5
I just bought a new ROG laptop with Windows 11 and when i install the updated traktor 2 on it, it will not open. This is fixed by using a non up to date version of Traktor 2. Simultaneously, When I can open Traktor on this new laptop, it doesn't recognize my S5 controller. I have no issues on another gaming laptop running…
Traktor Pro Plus ABO
Dear NI team, you write that my Traktor Pro Plus subscription ends in August! But you are still extending it. I bought Traktor Pro 4. I can't find a way to cancel the subscription. "Your subscription ends on August 31, 2024. Remove scheduled cancellation" Please change!!!
my traktor pro 4 freezes
Hi everyone, I installed traktor pro4 and while I'm working with my s8 console it freezes and the program closes automatically..also some folders don't open on the s8 screens...who can help me?
Browser list: Can I change the row hight for tracks?
Hi, very basic question relating to Traktor 3.0: In the browser list (which depicts all tracks in one folder), I would like to decrease the row hight - in order to be able to see more tracks without scrolling. I already got rid of 'cover art' so as to minimise the space required for each row, but the rows are still broader…
Traktor 3Pro for MacBook Pro (M1) Ventura + MacBook Pro (Intel) Big Sur
Help! Bought Traktor Pro 3 for my (M1) MacBook Pro. As I prefer to use the book for Live, I would like to transfer Traktor Scratch Pro 3 to my older book (Intel) identically. As written by Native, the 3.4.1 Traktor Installer does not work on Ben Sur Intel (Traktor 3.4.1 Installer needs to be updated says Mac) Native Access…