How to render separate tracks in Reaper with Kontakt?
Hello, I write from Brazil. I tend to use a single track with a single instance of kontakt open, mainly for orchestrations. I would like to know if it is possible to render each of the instruments I used in kontakt in separate tracks in Reaper, so that they can be mixed and equalized, compressed, etc. separately, as audio…
How do I use Komplete Kontrol in Reaper?
Hi, I have installed Komplete Kontrol and it shows up as a VST in my DAW Reaper. I have created some backing tracks and what to change some of the instruments over to those I can see in Komplete Kontrol. I thought this would be as simple as it is with Spitfire but for some reason when I change a track over to an instrument…
Audio Routing Maschine as VST in Reaper
To whom it may concern, I am aware that people have covered this in other groups partially, with different DAWs, but if anyone could give me a step-by-step how to to get it so that, after loading up a VST instance of Maschine, I could drum out a pattern at the part in the song I want there to appear a drum break and it…
Reaper users of NKS
just wanted to share this :) made by the developer of Realearn
How to separate the 4 outputs of Reaktor sine beats 2 in reaper
Hie Sorry for my bad english. Having reaktor in one track and sending outputs 1/2 3/4 5/6 and 7/8 to 4 different tracks I only hear the first track when stting "use single out" on ( I can make it work with Reaktor factory massive) Thank you
Guitar Rig 6 UI bug in Reaper
Guitar Rig UI is pretty terrible in Reaper, when Windows scaling is set to 150%. It's pretty much makes GR6 unusable in Reaper. The UI is so messed up that even the actual mouse position is way off of the mouse cursor. How to fix that?
Reaper not reading Guitar Rig 6, even after mounting it as a VSTI
Ok so I have Reaper, which is recording guitars just fine. I also have guitar rig 6 which works just fine by itself But when I mount guitar rig 6 as VSTI 3 no sound is coming from my headphones, no sound is being picked up by reaper, basically nothing happens. Midi track controls open, doesn't seem to get any signal. This…
Reaper (Maschine time offset)
Hello. Sometimes I use time offset markers in Reaper that gives me blank time. In Pro Tools you’re setting a start marker, Maschine starts to play from it. But in Reaper having this offset do not helps Maschine to start from marker 1. I can add blank scene in Maschine, but hope that there is an another decision.
Patches gone in Reaper
I don't know what happened, but suddenly all my Reaper tracks that used Komplete Kontrol have lost their Patch information! It still shows the right instrument, but the box shows a question mark instead of icon for the patch. I believe it started after a normal update on the Native Access portal. I tried opening the…
How to setup Maschine in Reaper to read and send MIDI from/to Host?
Hi, I'm currently trying to do this in Reaper: One Maschine Track: One Group: Each Sound reads MIDI events coming from Dedicated Sound MIDI Channel. Each Sound sends MIDI events to Dedicated Sound MIDI Channel. Each Sound has its Dedicated MIDI Channel (Sound 1 using Channel 1...Sound 16 using Channel 16). 16 Midi Tracks:…
M32 - suddenly keyboard works only as MIDI input and not KK protocol
Hey, As I understand M32 should work the same as Maschine MK3 - meaning it uses it's own protocol for controlling Maschine/KK AND keys/pads. And it worked perfectly until today. I updated KK and Maschine and now M32 stopped working through the protocol. The only way to play it is by enabling MIDI in my DAW - but this…
Heavy glitching with Noire on tempo changes in REAPER
I'm working on a solo piano project with Noire library in the main role. Unfortunately, I'm experiencing audio glitches that seem to occur on any type of tempo change event. It is particularly strong on ramps (gradual transition between the two tempo markers). I never had such a problem with any of my other software from…
Keyboard ranges, finally solved.
After several months asking everywhere for a solution for my tracks to be triggered only when using a specified keyboard range for any of them, REAPER has told me, barely twenty minutes after asking, that... "MIDI Note filter is a JSFX (a script that runs as a track effect) and will do this. You should find it in the FX…
*solved* Why does my Kontakt Player 7 work as standalone but not as VST?
Hey there, when I open Kontakt Player as standalone version all my sample libaries are showen correctly and work well. When I open them in my DAW as vst (no matter if vst2 or 3) the graphics as well as the samples are not loaded completely. I can not play any sound and the graphics just load the background screen of the…
Need DAW recommendation for Macbook
I'm getting back into music after a couple years and want to create new music. I have NI Kontrol A49, Maschine Mk3, and Traktor S4. Almost all my hardware is NI. If money were no object I would get Ableton Live, but since it is I'm looking for a DAW that works well with the NI hardware I have. The options I see are Reaper…