Maschine 3 Major update functions not possible?
Dear NI team please, , put your heads together again and make Machine 3 a real major update. There are still so many very important functions for standalone operation that do not require any extra performance. Midi CC, PC, SysEx Allocation, Midi Monitor, Pattern to Multi-Channel Parametric MIDI Arpeggiator, MIDI Mod…
Error-audio dropouts have been detected (Maschine)
audio dropouts have been detected . this computer can not process all audio in real time. try increasing the usb buffer size to the next Higher setting the trouble shooting guide
Buzzing sound when maschine software opened
My speakers are directly connected to my maschine mk3. They emit a buzzing sound (in high frequencies) when maschine software is opened or when my maschine mk3 is in MIDI mode. I never had this issue before. The buzzing sound is not heard in the phones output on the maschine mk3. My configuration is as follows : PC running…
iMaschine sample packs?
I understand iMaschine is dead, but is it possible to use all the sample packs I purchased with other DAW's, preferably Ableton? If so, how do I go about it? They were all purchased in the Apple app store, so not sure how to even find them. Thx, -lou.
Imaschine 2?
does Native instruments have any plans to bring back imaschine 2 or are they developing imaschine 3
lag with some vst
Hi i m trying to use some Izotope plugins like neutron or the other suit ….coz i m not so good at mix and master but , when i use this plugins in my group chaner or single instrument, i get a lag ( inputlag ) Then the tracks go out of time, i have this problem in maschine or cubase so ,,,theres any way to setup…something…
Machine 2 App
Error /Volumes/build/bamboo-build/MAS-MBN-BUILDMAC/sources/libs/nilibs/gp/src/Common/Init_GP.cpp:55 ****** does this error mean? Install with success Yet the program crashes immediately
Trying to restore iMashine 2 purchase on my pro second generation ipad
Hello, Would like to restore my iMashine 2 app to my ipad. I’m able to download the original iMachine I purchased but do not see the iMashine 2 in my purchase history. Does anyone know how I can find and install it? I know it’s been discontinued but I use this app allot with ideas and travel and would like to restore the…
iMaschine gone from App Store
Went to download iMaschine on a device yesterday and seen it was not listed in App Store. Incredible app. And could be made way better if simple features added and updated. But removed??!!!? I have all the in-apps up to Soul Magic when it stopped being updated. Please don’t give up on this app. People love it. Fix the…
Where can i buy iMaschine 2?
I can't buy iMASCHINE 2 in App Store. Is it already take down?
no further developments on Imachine 2 app?
How much will the loss of Imachine 2 the app, be long term for this company and the brand?
imaschine 2 quantum collection broken/bug
I was told last year the quantum collection has a bug and cannot be re-downloaded. So when I transfered my data from my iPhone 6 to my new iPhone via the cloud it brought all of my Imachine data except for the quantum collection…. which is of course what I use for most of my music. Now I have Imachine on my iPhone XR but I…
iMaschine App Performance and Access Issues
Urgent Resolution Required: Dear Native Instruments, I am writing to express my extreme frustration and disappointment regarding the ongoing issues I am facing with the iMaschine app. Despite purchasing expansions and investing my trust in your company, I have been left without access to the expansions and subjected to…
End of Life for iMASCHINE - Official statement & FAQ
End of Life for iMASCHINE - Official statement Hello, We’re writing to let you know that we have taken the difficult decision to discontinue iMASCHINE 2. You may have noticed that we have not been actively developing in the iMASCHINE 2 app, and we would like to thank you for your patience with the technical issues that…
Will Native Instruments ever update iMaschine or port M2 to IPad?
Apparently this is a question that won’t occur to anyone else for another few years.