Help me find this great REMOVED block!
hello all. i'm desperately try find a single reaktor block that seems to not exist in the user library anymore. i am 99% sure it was uploaded by the Fluorine block creator because it very much looked like it aesthetically. it may be called something like Sinusoid or Sinusoidal or Sincos or Cosine and i vaguely remember it…
Newbie question about "Util Note In" in Reaktor blocks
Hello dear community, I have a question. I just started working with Reaktor blocks and I have this issue: I can't get any response from either my computer keyboard or a an external controller (nanopad2) in the "Util note in" module. Meaning neither seems to send trigs to the note in module (or maybe it's doesn't receive…
reaktor blocks download
Hello, I am wondering about downloading blocks ens… for Reaktor without the default presets ? Thank you.
Reaktor MIDI Channels
Hey Everyone I've searching everywhere to know if it's possible to send more than 1 MIDI channel out of Reaktor to plugins. Is anyone aware of this ? surely I can't be the only one struggling with this ahaha any help is appreciated 🙏
Is there a way to route the Audio In to the pitch of an oscillator in Reaktor Blocks?
I'm using Reaktor 6 blocks as an MFX plug-in so the Midi Note In doesn't work, and if I route the Audio In to an Oscillator or other modulation block it defaults to Midi zero so you can't hear the sound of the original signal. Basically I just need a utility that provides a Gate and Pitch Out between my oscillator and…
The Reaktor Sequencer I would love and perhaps still doesn't exist? Or does it?
Haven't posted in awhile, since I requested a simple stereo sample player, and Toybox Audio totally solved that one (among other builders). So here's what I dream of. An 8 or 16 step sequencer with VELOCITY PER STEP (a la Bento Sequencer) AND storable modulate-able snaps (patterns) -- (a la Toybox nano sequencer, or the…
Blocks Base not installed and can't find where to install them???
I have purchased a Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2, and it came with Native Access and 35 instruments, Reaktor, Maschine, Massive, and Kontakt 7. I am now trying to get into Reaktor to use blocks and straight away I find out that I have no "Blocks Base" installed, and I can find no place to download them either through Native…
Third party blocks developer?
Hi. I bought the toybox stuff and they are fantastic! Anymore that I don´t know gys? Have a lovely weekend :) Peppe
Polyphonic External CV control
Hello, New Here Hi! I love NI software. I was experimenting with perhaps making a polyphonic external CV controller for a multivoice external modular system and wanted to ask the community if anyone forsees issues with things like tuning, voice handling, or anything else. I have used blocks to control externally…
How do I search for a block? / How do I find the location of an existing block?
A. Searching for a block: Is there a way to search for a block? (for both, user library and factory library). I recall there was a way, but I cannot find any way of doing it now (Reaktor 6.4.3 R0) B. Findind the location of an existing block in a patch: There is a block that I use in an nksr file, it's a patch that I have.…
Where do I install the Blocks user library presets I downloaded?
This is a question I need answered so I can use my Blocks user library downloads. I downloaded several Reaktor Blocks user library presets including whole compressed folders various formats of file and I need to know what folders to copy the non standard format files to so I can load my blocks / ensembles / racks and /…
Nouveau Collection Blocks
Are these available anywhere? After searching for a block which can trigger a single grain, this collection keeps coming up in forum threads and articles but it's no longer on the user library. Has anyone got an ensemble on file which has all the granular blocks from this collection?
FX Blocks in free Reaktor 6
Hello, I try to follow one of the tutorials for Reaktor 6, and esp in this part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyko4NJxa3Y&ab_channel=Kadenze I cant follow up, since I cannot find the respective Rounds folder. Here in this NI article it can also be seen (at step 3.).…
Reaktor Blocks is not yet Registered Error
I recently purchased Komplete 13, having upgraded from Select. When I attempt to load certain user ensembles, specifically Devine_WavTable_Synth, in Reaktor 6 I get a popup message saying: "Reaktor Blocks is not yet registered. You may use Reaktor Blocks in Demo mode for 30 minutes. Editing and host recall are disabled…
How to make Euro Reakt 4.3 ready for use in Port and Wires View (Beginner's Guide)
This little Beginner's Guide is for the good people that struggles to implement port images and such for the Euro Reakt 4.3 Blocks Collection by Michael Hetrick (free from the Reaktor User Library) so that you can use his Blocks in Port and Wires View…