How to make Euro Reakt 4.3 ready for use in Port and Wires View (Beginner's Guide)
This little Beginner's Guide is for the good people that struggles to implement port images and such for the Euro Reakt 4.3 Blocks Collection by Michael Hetrick (free from the Reaktor User Library) so that you can use his Blocks in Port and Wires View…
Saving my own work as a block
Hi folks! I'm pretty new to Reaktor. I've got a question. Is it possible to save my work as a Reaktor Block? Without any coding knowledge. I couldn't find a word on it on the whole internet. I have the latest full version of the software. Thank you in advance, Stepan
FR about tagging and also...where to post about the forum?
Hi, I just asked a question about Reaktor Blocks in the Reaktor forum. The only useful tag I could actually find was "Reaktor 6". My question is neither specifically about "Blocks Prime" or "Blocks Base" and "Racks" or "Rack" isn't even an existing tag. Which means the post is tagged with "Reaktor 6". I really hope you…
Reaktor Blocks - ports gone
hi community, after working with reaktor for one year,i tried to build with blocks/racks. its a lot of fun, but today, all new added blocks appear without ports. when i load an older preset, the blocks appear with ports. in the panel-view menu, ports & wires are active. in the structure-pane all ports and wires are…