Imported songs from iTunes have problems with volume
I've gotten 3 songs from iTunes since the 3.8 upgrade and all three have volume jump problems and wave forms vary as the song plays. The wave forms also seem different from my deck to the version shown in Traktor. Also, my playlists have been a little buggy. I've lost an entire folder, and reloading a recent collection.…
How to join beta
Traktor official support to Mixars Primo
Mixars Primo (https://mixars.com/product/primo/) is a wonderful piece of hardware! I'm not the only one say that. find below some reviews: "Mixars has built itself on making hardware that over-delivers on features without costing an arm and a leg... It is hard to find a controller of the Primo’s size and price that can…
Track Overview Waveform is too small
Is there anyway to increase the height of the "stripe" or track overview waveform?
Acitvation invalid
Hi everyone, I bought the full version of traktor pro 3 yesterday and downloaded it through native access. when i open traktor after having downloaded it through native access there comes a undissmissable screen telling me to either start demo, buy or open through native access. i can't figure out what to do and need…
Issue with playlist importing/exporting and manually fixing via notepad++
So i recently had quite the odd experience with traktor playlists. Namely when importing the playlist into another computer most of the tracks were missing. However upon further digging I found some key differences in the .nml file via notepad++. The tracks that did correctly import back into traktor had this at the end of…
Cannot drag purchased music or AAC Files from Apple Music into Traktor Pro 3
His wasn't an issue until updating to Catalina and Traktor Pro (don't know which update is causing this problem) where if I drag music that wasn't purchased (like free downloads from Soundcloud) from Apple Music into Traktor Pro it works fine. If I try and drag a song I paid for in the iTunes Store it won't drag…
S4 MK3 Faders and Sync
When starting my traktor I usually center all the faders so when I turn it on the faders are in alignment with traktor pro software. Once I mix and use the sync feature the faders are no longer in alignment and I am unable to get them to realign. I also notice I am limited in the tempo adjustment I am able to make. Any…
White screen on S4 MK3
Hi, The right screen of my S4 MK3 stay white as soon as I turn it on. The device was not moved or shocked before this happened. I had just updated Traktor Pro to version 3.8... I tried many reboot but it is the same. Anyone has the issue? Is this fixable? Thanks for your answers
question re: tempo faders
This is a TOTAL newb question, please be kind. I'm using Traktor 3 with an S2. I'm getting super frustrated with the tempo faders on my controller because sometimes when I try and give one a tiny tiny nudge, the tempo JUMPS instead (totally random example: i have a song on 117bpm and it jumps to 128bpm instead of to the…
Ideas for Coulor playlist Tracks
How you guys fix and organize tracks,i have put them like this but im not happy with what i have , im 90%Techno I dont know but maybe coulor the melodic tracks and with instrument dunno,you guys have some good ideas?
The folder pane scrolling upon dropping a track into a favorited playlist is super frustrating
I'm trying to build a playlist, so I have the playlist in one of the 12 favorites slots and then I scroll down through my music and find a track I want on it and drag it to that playlist and the folder pane on the left scrolls the playlist into view And then I have to scroll all the way back down to my folders to find more…
Please help..Apple Music Library won't load latest..BIG PROBLEM FOR ME
Hello. I am running an M1 Macbook Pro with Ventura and Traktor 3.8, have also tried on 3.6 again and this problem just erupted. I have always organized with Itunes and now Apple music and it worked fin until recently. All of sudden it constantly loads some old library and I can not get it to load my current library with…
cant send track to preparation?
Any ideas how to fix
And this problem will be solved in the traktor pro 3 ?
No formatter is installed for the format not-found