SupremeEditionMod EDIT
SupremeEditionMod EDIT (Based on Supreme Edition Mod by @Aleix Jiménez) I am currently working on updating the EDIT i've worked on since last year to SupremeEditionMOD Version 33 (24.August.2022). Until i am finished, the EDIT only works on Beta 31. You'll have to have the qml folder of Beta 31 already and then put the new…
DJ mixer for 2x X1, Maschine Mk3 and external synth
Hi there, I have been been super inspired by a masterclass by Chris Liebing. I have been using the Maschine MK3 with my Arturia Minibrute 2S synth but I have just been messing around and having fun with. I now want to integrate my Maschine to a DJ set up and so some live performance. I was looking at adding 2 Traktor X1…
File BPM different in Traktor to exported collection tag
A lot of my tracks are analysed by Traktor at 119.99 or 130.01 which I then just round up or down within the BPM field so I can filter tracks at proper tempos correctly (obviously only when it's small enough to make no difference to the grid). I'm trying to export my collection and transfer it to Rekordbox for the first…
Routing individual Stem Tracks in Traktor 3 (Traktor S8)
Hi, i'm currently trying to output each individual stem of a STEM Track running in Traktor 3. I couldnt figure out a way to access each individual stems audio to further process it while it plays and only when the volume is up. Does anybody have an idea how i could achieve that? And if it is not possible at all with…
Traktor Songs Go Missing, No Changes to Song Locations?
Traktor Pro 3 v3.11.1 (17) - MacOS 14.4 (M1) Issue: All songs are in library, consistency check and everything is good. Come back a few weeks later having not used Traktor or Music (iTunes) and made no changes to song library, Traktor shows several missing songs. The songs are still on disk and can be reconnected. But why…
Audio latency issues on PC
Hello everyone , I have just bought a new laptop, with a Ryzen 5 and 16 GB of ram under Windows 11, to rejuvenate my setup, I migrated and bought my new kontrol s4 mk3 and installed Traktor pro 3 and I am encountering serious problems of audio latency, and it happens at any time! However, I followed the advice that I found…
OBS still plays audio when I press headphone only button
Im using Traktor pro3, DJ Hercules instinct series s, obs, monitor, and desktop. My issue: I want to hear sound ONLY in my headphones while mixing, while another track is playing, HOWEVER obs still plays the headphone-only button function in master. I have tried every option possible and it's always the same. When I press…
Traktor 3.8.0 lost my playlist
Hello !! I have a problem since the last update of Traktor. After installed the 3.8.0 version all my playlist are lost. Is there a way to recover them from the previous version ? Thanks !
Audio 6 not working fully with Sonoma and 2020 Mcbook Air
hey everyone I'm looking for help , the product page on NI says Traktor Audio 6 is supported with Sonoma however I can not use the scratch control with the MIDI Cds or and there is no recording signal coming into the external recoding , cn anyone help me , I have updated all drivers and re installed the software . thank
cannot activate tractor
Q: Translation inserted by Moderator (translation by DeepL) hello,i bought the reloop jockey 3 master edition,the manual and the installation cd were not even unpacked,and everything looks unused. I have installed everything according to the manual and arrived at the Traktor and so far I can only use the demo version,…
S2 MK3 firmare updater IMPOSSIBLE
Hello , I'm trying to update the latest version of firmware via the updater app of NI, But when i plug the controller it is not recognissed by the app therefore i cant '' SCAN'' it and update it. Controller lights turn on then straight off , i checked the USB section in the mac system and the name of the controller does…
Open-box Guitar Center purchase Serial Number already activated
I did reach out to support and I know it's the weekend but was hoping someone from support might see this a bit faster as I'd love to use the controller over the weekend. Just purchased this guitar center open box yesterday afternoon and I cannot do anything with it at this time… Below is the support request and thank you…
Traktor Pro 3 takes forever to install, doesnt complete installation
just like the title says, I tried logging out but when i log back in the program automatically start downloading again. Tried to delete Native Access but when I re-download the program it picks up with "installing" Traktor Pro 3 right where it left off.. Been going on for 3 days now, i need help to make this work
A disappointed Traktor fan
Hello, I have already been equipped with traktor pro S4MK3 since 2018. I am scandalized by the fact that the French forum has been deleted. the French community can no longer come together to discuss the problems that users encounter with their traktor software. Just as it is scandalous to have to pay for Traktor Plus when…
Reverse playback constant
Is it possible to reverse play a song in constant mode (without pressing and holding)? I want to try playing and scratching in reverse mode on my left plate vinyl. Do I have to reverse the rca cable (left<>right)? (I used to do this in serato scratch live and it works). Or is there a software option in traktor setup that I…