Traktor3 Pro 3.5.2 fails to broadcast properly via icecast2 and liquid soap
The broadcast option of Traktor3 Pro is using the icecast2 protocol. Traktor 3 Pro fails to connect to the latest versions of icecast2 ( https://icecast.org/ ) and liquidsoap ( https://www.liquidsoap.info/ ) using the icecast2 protocol that is defined here: https://gist.github.com/ePirat/adc3b8ba00d85b7e3870 The issue is…
Internal mixer and loop creation
Is it possible to suggest new features for future updates, or will this thread just get flamed to hell? Here goes anyway: I would like access to the internal mixer with only one deck displayed. This would be really handy while syphoning tracks, as I like to disconnect my laptop from my mixer and go through tracks in a…
Route an Ableton audio out channel to NI S4 MK3
It will be great if we could use one of the NI S4 MK3 channels to route Ableton trough it. What do u think?
Make Traktor universal
Serato is compatible with nearly every dj controller out, and so is djay pro ai and virtual dj..I haven't been able to use traktor in months at my gigs because the software is not compatible yet with my m1 pro, I been using serato on the rane one controller.. I'm starting to give up on traktor
traktor pro 3 connection to Xone96 & Ableton
hi im trying my best to get my head around the input output routing of the 96 but failing. I followed the guide page 33 of 96's manual .. records now fine within traktor. what id love to be able to do is have Ableton for the fx side of things send /return. are there any step by step guides available to incorporate drum…
X1 & Xone 92 Help
Hey brothers and sisters, I recently decided to purchase some gear for my home Dj setup and decided to go the traktor route since I started my Dj career with them 8 years ago. I currently have a pair of Adam audio t7v studio monitors and an Allen & Heath xone 92 mixer. I was thinking of purchasing a x1 to hook up to the…
Traktor Pro 3 - Severe audio distortion
Hello everyone ... Decided to ask for help as I'm not able to find a solution for my problem by myself. I'm a Traktor user for many years ( from the first Scratch version). In the present I use Traktor 3Pro with a DJM250MK2 and two SL1210MK2 but I quitted the timecodes . I use a Kontrol X1 for Traktor and mix digital…
For Traktor Developers ... Traktor Pro 3 User Feedback, valuable for future upgrades
As DJs we spend a considerable amount of time preparing our music in the software, Jumping between beats in increments of 16 & 32 and making multiple cue points quickly is what we do ALL THE TIME. Traktor Pro 2 had a much easier work flow to do this, here are some suggestions that I personally would like to see the…
Xone 96 with X1 effects routing issue
Hello, I have a Xone 96 mixer connected to a Macbook Air M1 with two Traktor X1 mk2s and Traktor 3. My question is about routing the effects to the Return A channel of the mixer. I managed to get the send/return loop working on through channels. Pre and post fader both work However, no matter what I do, the original track…
Traktor software licence and upgrade for equipment purchased second-hand (used)
Having read the NI website pages, I'm still confused about software licencing and used equipment. 1) Just checking... If I buy a used Z1 with no Licence Transfer Code, I believe I can still use the serial number to download Traktor LE 3?2) Key question...Having got that, can I then buy Pro 3 at the 'upgrade' price, or…
The history of Trakor since 2000 till 2022
This link has the history of Traktor since 2000 to 2011, with pictures: This link has a amazing interview with the lead Traktor programmer, @Friedemann @ NI https://github.com/pestrela/music/blob/master/pic_sets/traktor_interview/Interview%20with%20the%20lead%20Traktor%20programmer.pdf This link has all the changelog of…
Blocking song ID
I'd like to block song ID being sent to the stream. Due to other DJ's stealing sets, I can't seem to find options for it, is there any work arounds ?
Visual phrasing for Traktor Pro 3
Hello I request visual markers for every 16 beats of a track, that corresponds to the countdown in the beats to cue. The markers should start from the first beatgrid cue point. This practically eliminates the need to set up other cue points. Thank you.
TRAKTOR PRO 3 Preparetion MODE
Hello Can you help me with preparetion mode?? How i can find it, because i try everything but i cant put this option anywhere :/
How to manage your collection using OS folders only (no manual playlists)
Except for smart playlists, I dont have a single regular (=manual) playlist. I use exclusivelly OS folders. My workflow is as follows: #1: Traktor Repair: Using Traktor mass relocate #2: Update collection: Importing everything in a single go. #3: Duplicate Cues: Using a custom python program more info:…