"Audio recording could not be started" error while running Traktor 3.5.1 and 3.5.2

DJ Sepia
DJ Sepia Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

I discovered a new problem today when I went to record a DJ mix using Traktor... something I've done many times before painlessly, with earlier versions of the program. When I clicked the record button today, a pop-up window appeared saying "Audio recording could not be started". I was running version 3.5.1 at the time, so thought I'd upgrade to 3.5.2. To my surprise, the problem persists after upgrading.

Are there some Windows 10 system files that recording in Traktor is dependent on? Or some other config file(s) that could be creating this problem? Given the 3.5.2 upgrade was a complete installation, the problem must lie with some file that wasn't overwritten/replaced during the install.

I'd love to know how to fix this problem. I'm also having a problem running Audacity on the same laptop. When I run Audacity, it claims to not be able to find any audio devices... even if no other audio applications are open. It's possible that whatever file or files that have either corrupted or been hacked (my DJ rig has been targeted before) are Windows system files. Hopefully the devs can help identify the cause of this, as the error message itself lacks detail.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro
    Answer βœ“

    Finally figure it out. A windows update changes the terminology of my saved location on both my desktop and laptop, which cause the pop of the no audio record. A simple remapping of the record destination fixes this. Thanks to Franky @ NI Product Support πŸ‘ for making me take a deeper look into my settings. DJ Sepia see if this will work for you also. I hope it does.


  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Hey @Ryan_NI perhaps you're familiar with this error message?

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 692 Guru

    First check your Sound properties from the Control Panel, specifically the Recording tab. Check to make sure everything is enabled.

    Windows 10 and 11 have a pretty good troubleshooting interface if you are updated. Type audio troubleshooter in the search and do the steps. This has fixed sound issues for me a few times.

    With my previous laptop I still have issues with audio drivers and devices for audio. It's a Dell G7 4 or 5 years old. They began happening around the end of last summer. I still haven't been able to fix the issue permanently on that laptop. I keep having to install a specific driver from Dell after every update.

    Check your Device Manager in the Control Panel for any audio devices with errors. If there is any try to update the driver from there.

    Last option is to look up your model and see if the manufacturer has a fix.

    Hopefully there is a better quicker solution from anyone else.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 692 Guru

    What else are you running besides Traktor?

    Is there anything taking over your recording microphone or internal?

    Also forgot to say. Make sure your recording is set to internal in Traktors preferences.

    Not enough disk space can also give that type of error. And renaming the file paths. You could try setting a different file path for the Recording and also change the name of the recording. Also sometimes special characters can not be saved as file names. I can't remember but things like ' : ? > can't be saved.

    Hope some of this helps. Issues like this are no fun.

  • Ryan_NI
    Ryan_NI Customer Care Posts: 191 mod

    hey! would you mind sending some screenshots of the following in your Traktor Preferences?

    • Audio Setup
    • Output Recording
    • Mix Recorder

    Also, @zephry is most likely onto something with making sure the recording is set to internal - this is often the culprit. Let me know how it goes :)

  • DJ Sepia
    DJ Sepia Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Hi everyone, thanks for your helpful comments. I don't run anything else while I run Traktor... I run Traktor on a system exclusively used for DJ performances and recordings that I usually keep offline to ensure stability. I suspect the problem is either with Windows 10 or the driver for my soundcard (Numark DJio), as since posting this fault, I've discovered that Audacity also presents an error message when I attempt to turn on input monitoring or record anything. I haven't tried re-installing my soundcard driver yet... that seems like a worthwhile next step. I got through my immediate need to publish by recording to an external device (bypassing Traktor's recording system entirely), so at least I have a workaround in place for the time being. I'll send screenshots of relevant settings pages if pain persists.

  • DJ Sepia
    DJ Sepia Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Recording is set to internal. Plenty of disk space available. I just tried reinstalling the driver for my soundcard without success. I could uninstall the old driver first (same version), but I'm hesitant to do so, as the system is working fine as a performance PC at the moment and I'd rather not disrupt that.

  • DJ Sepia
    DJ Sepia Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    After some further exploration I discovered that "Stereo Mix" was disabled as an input via the Windows 10 "Sound" settings. Enabling that has not rectified my problem though.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    @Ryan_NI Do you have everything you need to troubleshoot? If it's better for DJ Sepia to contact support directly pls let us know.

  • Ryan_NI
    Ryan_NI Customer Care Posts: 191 mod

    Maybe it's best if we create a ticket - would be better to get screenshots and troubleshoot this way. I'll create one now.

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    I am having the same issue and it has nothing to do with my audio drivers or my windows machine. Because Traktor DJ 2 records normally with the same setup. I can remember being able to record on an earlier version of Traktor Pro 3 v3.30. So it something with the new v3.52 of Traktor Pro 3

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Hi @Demus This issue needs a closer look from our Traktor support team so contacting us by email is better in this case. Can you contact us via a form here?

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    I contact support and they are telling me about installation of Traktor Pro 3 and its drivers. But that was never my problem. my issue is this....As I stated that this has nothing to with the installing of Traktor Pro 3 or it’s drivers. It seems as if record is some how disable in v3.5.2 of Traktor Pro 3. I downgraded to v3.3.0 and it works fine, then I upgrade to v3.4.0 and that works fine also. Only v3.5.2 I am having a audio record issue. I also sent this to support as well.

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    Can anyone in the forum who has windows 10 or 11 test out audio recording for me. Maybe it just only me and DJ Sepia are having this issue. Please and thank you.

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro
    Answer βœ“

    Finally figure it out. A windows update changes the terminology of my saved location on both my desktop and laptop, which cause the pop of the no audio record. A simple remapping of the record destination fixes this. Thanks to Franky @ NI Product Support πŸ‘ for making me take a deeper look into my settings. DJ Sepia see if this will work for you also. I hope it does.

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    Thanks for sharing the solution! Happy our support folks found the trick.

This discussion has been closed.
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