Problem with Samples in Remix Deck
Hi Guys! I have a question about my remix deck. Maybe you can help me here. I control my remix deck (on deck d for me) with my Kontrol F1 in Traktor 3 Pro. It has happened to me several times now during my DJ set. Some sample slots or even all sampe slots no longer react at some point. They can no longer be triggered. Then…
Recreating F1 stem deck VU meter dimming
I am attempting to recreate the F1 stem deck mapping with some modifications as a generic midi device. I am doing this because with the default F1 mapping I am unable to over ride or layer a midi out command for the top row of pads which I am adding controls to. I get this error with the default mapping: I pretty much have…
X1 mk3 with F1 pattern player mapping
Hi all. First post and hoping I can get some help. I have an X1 mk3 and an F1 with the pattern player mapping downloaded. When I connect both devices I’m unable to control the pattern player with the F1? Traktor automatically maps the pattern player to the X1 mk3 and reverts the F1 to default mapping. Is there a solution…
Stem Deck VU Meter Midi Mapping Tree Broken
Trying to map the stem deck slot VU outputs to launchpad leds but the options tree is broken preventing me from selecting the correct midi out command. It opens inward and you are unable to select any of the three options. All other trees open outward and are not a problem. Anyone have any solutions?
Midi Mapping Stem Deck VU LEDs
Wondering if it is possible to map the VU meters of the stem deck (seen on the F1) to other midi controller leds? I am trying to recreate the stem deck F1 leds on a launchpad.
Kontrol F1 Overlay
I'm looking for the overlay to use with my Kontrol F1. This overlay once was part of the product, but NI stoped to make it. Anyone knows where i can find one? Im looking for a PDF to print by myself, but even a PDF im not finding anywhere. Someone could help?
Traktor F1 overwritten problem
I have a problem with my Traktor F1. I am using the latest version of Traktor Pro software. When I record loops on my remix deck, after saving it and opening it later, some channels are overwritten, which makes them sound the same without me having created the same loop for different channels. I would like to know what I…
F1 overwritten loops
I have a problem with my Traktor F1. I am using the latest version of Traktor pro software. When I record loops on my remix deck, after saving it and opening it later, some channels are overwritten, which makes them sound the same without me having created the same loop for different channels. I would like to know what I…
How to stop all samples at once in Step Sequencer mode
Hello guys! I recently started playing with the step sequencer and I'm enjoying it, however I haven't been able to find a way to "clean" the step sequencer with the press of a button. Let's say I'm in a build up and I have 2 or 3 different samples going on at the same time, I would like to be able to just go back to the…
Need Help with Kontrol F1 and X1 Setup for Live Tekk Sets (Step Sequencer)
Hello dear community, I have a question about my setup and I hope you can help me. I use two Kontrol F1 controllers and one Kontrol X1 to play live Tekk sets. However, I'm facing some challenges and I need your assistance. Let's start with the physical arrangement of the controllers: From left to right, I have the F1, then…
Traktor F1 and STEMS
Hi guys, I'm thinking of creating my own STEMS with MAschine MK3 and then exporting them as STEMS with Stem Creator. I then would like to buy a couple of F1 to use live STEMS. I saw there are 4 faders to select each of the 4 instruments, but the 16 PADS can be assigned to 5 STEMS track? Or can I assigned more pads to more…
Kontrol F1
Been using them for several years now, but now on new comps i can't set up my F1's. Controller editor sees them fine and they seem to work ok there, but device updater or anything else doesn't see F1 connected. I use switch to midi mode, but it's not seen as midi device anywhere. Installed it's midi drivers, editor and…
Add Kontrol F1 compatibility with Maschine+ ?
Could it be possible to have F1 compatibility with Maschine+? Or at least making it usable in midi mode? At the moment when plugged in all the lights turn on, but then it goes off and it’s not even possible to put it to midi mode. It would be an additional nice controller for Maschine+ (pads for Scene selection/Lock…
What do you recommend? Kontrol f1 or x1
Ask about the traktor kontrol f1 since I'm thinking of buying it, and I would like to ask you a question… I used to work in this world before but I had to quit... but now I'm back but more at home and such, I've always used traktor connected to the pioneer cdj 900 and a table, but now what I have at home is a traktor S2…
Hi, I got two x1 MK2 and one f1 MK2 I want to use them with an ALLEN&HEAT mixer (43c) which AUDIO CARD a I need? if I need the TRAKTOR AUDIO 10, does it works with MAC OS VENTURA? (MAC BOOK PRO M2)