Making a parameter automatable for Reaktor 6 VST in a VST host ?
Hi there, I read (a lot) about exposing parameters to the VST host. Still confused. I'd need to expose the mute parameter of Newscool. Does someone would help here?
Reaktor 6 continuous sound output without a input
I am trying to build in reaktor 6 and my computer keyboard is recognized as a midi controller but whenever I try to build in reaktor it just plays continuous sound and does not stop when I take my finger off a key. I have added envelopes and removed the note in utility but it just keeps playing. I have added a screenshot…
Ring mod
I am having a discussion with Urs about ringmod in zebra . In zebra when multiplying 2 bipolar signals the result is a waveform with only energy above the zerocrossing line . When multiplying two bip. signals in reaktor , it's a healthy ac waveform both +1,-1 ( screenshot 2 ) Urs said that the ringmod in zebra is a…
Reaktor 6.5 Beta expired
Hi, any news on when Reaktor 6.5 stable will be release? The current beta version just expired and now I have a bunch of ensembles I can't open anymore :(
Looking for sounds from Scanner XT demo
Looking for insight on getting the sounds from the Scanner XT demo, specifically #2,#6,#9,#11 and #14. I purchased Scanner XT based on those sounds in the demo. I am a beginner and haven't a clue. So, if anyone would be kind enough to offer some insight.
From Rack to Ensemble, how to?
Hi, I think in the past I used to do it, but now I cannot find the way to do that.
MTC generator with reaktor?
just curious if anyone has produced a Midi Time Code generator in reaktor? i wondered this .. as i searched if ableton lite had a inbuilt MTC generator... so that i could use the midi follow function... and sync that with reaper being the slave i was basically looking to sync the OpenMPT application by sending a audio…
Dumb context menu in Structure View
I'm a newbie to Reaktor. I can make various racks work, however, I cannot insert basic modules since the context menu in Structure View is dumb (Swap Panes / Close Panes / Save Rack As ..) and not like in "REAKTOR 6 Building in Primary" in paragraph 2.1.1 Using the Context Menu. What is wrong?
Reaktor high-definition display
Why hasn't Reaktor made high-definition displays for so many years? It's very suitable to do this thing, but they didn't do it. It's really hard for me to understand! Also, what new plans will Reaktor have for the new version in the future? It should not stop updating for many years.
Reaktor doesn't make sounds when I press keys or pads on my Novation Launchkey mk3 49 Midi Keyboard
I must be missing something but, I got my MacBook ro 2019 running ventura 13.3.1 with a persons audiobox usb 96 with ark rokit 5's with a Novation Launchkey 49 MK3 as well as Roli Seablock keyboard connected via usb. Ive tried it both as a plug in in logic pro and standalone and no sound emits. all my other non Native…
[SOLVED] Is there an issue in the Reaktor user library?
On default my login in the forum works parallel with the Reaktor user library. But now it looks like this: There is a missing sign on top. So download don't works. A restart of the browser don't help me. EDIT 2023-06-29, 09:11; The Reaktor user library got in access to login again.
Reaktor Newscool still very cool device!
Intro music from Newscool!
Any Table Framework tutorial ?
Hi, I'm looking for information or tutorial about how to use the "Table Framework". The manual Reaktor 6 "what's new" manual is someway obscure about Table List, Table Info and sample map... Any idea ? Thanks.
Reaktor Prism Won't Load
I purchased Komplete 10 several years ago, and at some point after upgrading to Reaktor 6, I must have opened Reaktor Prism in version 6 and saved it. Now, I can't open it in Reaktor 5. Furthermore, when it opens in version 6, it looks like the Micro Prism instead of the full blown version that originally came with…
Reaktor ensembles for M+ standalone.
Here is a compilation of M+ standalone compatible ensembles. There is a read_me_first.pdf, please, read it first. Here is the link for download : https://mega.nz/folder/iFsCHBhR#Unio_imBU_2HcHIreLxkIw Enjoy.