NI plugins Serial/Activate issue after re-install
Hello guys, I recently had a hard drive crash and had to re-install Windows 10, Cubase/Reaper and all my plugins... Now that I have re-installed everything I just have one annoying problem with NI plugins. When I open some current projects with loaded NI plugins I got this message: "You haven't entered a serial number yet.…
Reaktor Prism Won't Load
I purchased Komplete 10 several years ago, and at some point after upgrading to Reaktor 6, I must have opened Reaktor Prism in version 6 and saved it. Now, I can't open it in Reaktor 5. Furthermore, when it opens in version 6, it looks like the Micro Prism instead of the full blown version that originally came with…
Reaktor 5 "The Service Center cannot be found." also not in legacy downloads
I started using reaktor in Komplete 8 so I know I own it. I have legacy downloads on but it's not showing up. any help would be much appreciated
Project uses Prism in Reaktor 5 - but now that I have 6 installed, there are problems!
At first I got no sound from the track at all when I loaded up the project. When I opened the Reaktor (5) GUI, I got an error message that the Prism file couldn't be found. I located it on the HD, but now Reaktor said that it couldn't load it because it was made with a newer version. I replace the Reaktor 5 with a Reaktor…
Reaktor 5 causes NA2 to not work. Becomes stuck on installing dependencies. Repeatable.
Uninstalled my entire K14 CE, because I couldn't get NA2 to work, despite following every dead end in the support area and Reddit (Sadly missed out on the 9 for 99 because if I couldn't activate them, why would I but them? lol). After repairing windows, deactivating my Firewall, MBAM, etc. I started installing my entire…
How to discover the size of my Reaktor Synth
Hi, as I was trying to create an image for my Reaktor synth, I coudn't figure it out the measurements of the synth I was creating using primary, I've tried to screenshot and place it on photoshop to select it and find the width and height, but when I try to use it as my background, the size doesn't match, I was hoping…
Is there a bug in the Reaktor User Library 'search' functionality?
Whenever there is a space in my search criteria, it is replaced with the numbers '20'. I'm sure this is related to HTML URL Encoding and the percent sign is getting lost... But unfortunately, that '20' is actually being used by the search algo!! How do I know? Well... a bunch of results with '20' are returned! Here's an…
Using custom wavetable for oscillator in Reaktor 5 ?
Hi, is there any way to use my own wav wavetable in a Reaktor 5 synth -- or any workaround ? I have reaktor 5 synths which serve me well, but cannot work out if this is possible. Thanks Martin
Activate Legacy Monark Installation In Reaktor 5
Hi, i made a mistake updating my music computer lost access to my old monark/reaktor tracks because Reaktor 5 in not longer available on my MAC OS Version. I tried to set up the Ableton with NI Plugin on a WIN10 PC, i could install Reaktor 5. But Monark runs only in Reaktor 6. I installed legacy monark via installation…
Reset Sequencer
Does any prominent programmer know of a way to have the first step reset like in Akkord SEQ in this ensemble/macro I created for an old version of Reaktor 5. Sequencer only resets when in DAW but in standalone hitting the reset button trigger back the sequencer but only during playback not when sequence is paused.
Reaktor doesn't work with Windows 11?
I smart user Paule answered this initial question, and I know he knows more than me, but I find it hard to believe that Reaktor won't work on Windows 11? 1) If I could just get another confirmation this is true. I recently upgraded my PC to Ableton 11, which forced me to purchase another computer with Windows 11 and I have…
How to get LFO vibrato in Reaktor Vocoder to be bipolar? Help please 🙏
Hi, after days of tinkering, reading manuals, and searching the forum, I've learned how to assign an LFO to the master pitch, and control it via the modwheel (using the sidechain in the bottom right -- see pic). The only problem now is that the vibrato is not centered on the pitch. Is there any way to get the LFO to be…
Hypersaw Design TI Polar
Greetings Trance Music programmers, does anyone know how to create a Hypersaw (9 saws stacked and can be detuned) sound in REAKTOR?
Removing Kontakt5, Reaktor 5 and etc,.
Hello, if I don't have any previous projects with instances of kontakt5, reaktor5 or guitar rig 5 used, can I just remove them? I'm suffering from storage space so... Of course I have kontakt6, reaktor6 and guitar rig 6 from owning komplete 12 ult. Thanks in advance!
Reaktor 5 doesn‘t show up in Native Access under Mac Big Sur
Hi there, according to other NI-Articles R5 should be shown as a legacy product to install via native access. But it doesn‘t show up… Any Ideas/workarounds? thanks and best regards, rookie2