Is there a bug in the Reaktor User Library 'search' functionality?

PerryCodes Member Posts: 1 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

Whenever there is a space in my search criteria, it is replaced with the numbers '20'. I'm sure this is related to HTML URL Encoding and the percent sign is getting lost... But unfortunately, that '20' is actually being used by the search algo!! How do I know? Well... a bunch of results with '20' are returned!

Here's an example:

  1. Search for: salamander anagram
  2. After submitting the search, your criteria has changed to: salamander20anagram
  3. Results will include such things as: '20goto10', 'MS-20', '20 snapshots for Dietrich Pank's aliasing synth', and 'K-20/RMS' - none of those authored by Donald (salamander anagram).
  4. Luckily, ONE of the search results is from the author being searched for. A single result.

Possibly fixing the bug might bring back better results?

Finally - if this post isn't going to get the attention of the right person, what might be the best method for reporting this issue (assuming that I'm not the only one experiencing it!)




  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,109 Expert

    I have tried and do have the same (wrong) results in Win and Google Chrome.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin

    Hi @PerryCodes for bug reports, best to get in touch with our support team directly so they can verify:

  • EOK
    EOK Member Posts: 1 Member

    Nearly a year later and the bug is still there?? How is it not being noticed? I've been making do with 1 word searches for 9 months. The search function in the forum also glitches and interprets space as delete!

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert
    edited April 2023

    Don's nick is salamanderanagram and not salamander anagram.

    So the u/l will find him

This discussion has been closed.
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