Want to buy Massive-Warning at checkout-Sale 2024
Hey guys, So I'm a bit confused about this. I want to buy Massive, and when I'm at checkout, it says I can only install and activate if I own Massive. And then if I click next I got this which basically says wrong licence, I don't meet the requirements for a Massive licence. But there is only the full version in the shop…
Massive Crashes in Ableton 12.0.2
So, I recently upgraded to ableton 12.0.2 and started to experience crashes lately (when i was in ableton 11.0.0 this wasn't happening). The crash happens even if I open a project and I let it sit there without doing anything. After like 5 minutes, CPU and Ram usage goes to 100% (saw this on the task manager) and a message…
open/export sound from maschine kit (Monark, Massive..), to play it directly from Reaktor
Hi, in some maschine kits there are Monark or Massive sounds, it is possible to open/export them as presets and play them directly in Reaktor with Monark or Massive? Thanks.
The next direct connection for the S-Mk3 keyboards? Hmmmm...
Guesses on what the next direct connection for the S-Mk3 keyboards will be.. With Massive recently becoming NKS2 compatible, and it's legacy importance.. Is Massive the logical next application to become directly connected with the new keyboards? Or something entirely new?
Using 1 midi controller for two standalones.
Hello everyone! Is it possible to use 1 MIDI controller for both Battery 4 and Massive standalone programs at the same time? Whichever program I open up first and set my MIDI input/outputs to my controller seems to override the settings for the controller. When I launch the subsequent program, the MIDI controller appears…
Massive VST3 Macro Parameters Disappear from Automation list
DAW: Renoise OS: Win10 64bit Since seeing Massive (v1.6.0+33) got a recent update I started making music with it in Renoise. I used the VST3 version. Created a Macro and automated it. Everything was fine. The next day when I opened the project, all of the Macro parameters are no longer available as an option for…
Massive VST not working after hardware change
"your hardware has changed please use native access to re-activate" I recently upgraded my computer and now when I load up a project, all Massive instances are initialized instead of loading a patch/preset. And when opening the synth itself within DAW, FL Studio, I get a message telling me that there's been a hardware…
How do I resolve "Installation Failed" for Massive?
Hi, I've been able to update everything except the original Massive. I tried using the Windows uninstaller to remove it and start fresh when the UPDATE was throwing me the Failed error due to Invalid Location. But nothing seems to fix it. Its path is the same as all my other instruments, and what's odd is that if I look at…
Massive making Ableton 10 crash when saving a preset on mac os.
Has anyone else experienced this? Every other time I try to save a preset in massive it freezes on the save prompt and i have to force quit ableton.
Massive X macro/envelope feature request
Can you please animate the envelope shape display (and possibly other parameters) when the macro controls are manipulated by the knobs on my MIDI? The envelope doesn't change when I use the macro to control a set modulation amount.
Massive - How to set the default browser view when the plugin opens?
Massive does not seem to want to remember my preferred browser state, and every time I start a new project, I have to switch from the looking glass mode to sounds, then sometimes wait a few seconds for the list to populate, then scroll through all the (opened by default!) expansions I have, find the folder I want in My…
Massive import old user presets - name changes not updating and Bankname list
I imported some old user presets in to Massive (original) Massive>File>Import etc there are a couple of problems. 1 - Before I did the above I changed some of the names of the presets expecting them to be updated. They remained the same, how can they be changed, by resaving them? 2 - The presets don't appear in the…
What is the point of Voice Randomization (VR) in Massive X?
Hi all, One of the modulation sources in Massive X is called VR (shorthand for Voice Randomization, nothing to do with Virtual Reality). The manual states that it "add[s] pseudo-random variation to your sound". You'd think this would act somewhat like the Trigger Random modulator in Massive, especially since they say that…
Massive, when I open it in FL Studio its always asks for Serial How can i fix this?
Bought NI bundle with Massive X as part of it, i cant seem to get this to register as Master on FL Studio. how can i fix this issue..a lot of my old tracks depend on Massive X Heavily
FM8 and Massive need always an activation and less sounds with Absynth 5, why?
Hello, I have Ableton 10 and NI Komplete 9. I installed everything and when I want to use FM8 and/or Massive, I get always the activation window. I click on activate, Native Access popped up and I can see, that they are activated. But when I for example close Ableton and later I want to work on my song, than I have again…